Cúng Thất | 49 days of chantings

Tụng kinh cầu siêu và cúng cơm 49 ngày |

49 days of Buddhist protective chants and meal offerings

Mỗi Thứ bẩy, 10 giờ sáng tại Chùa Điều Ngự |

Weekly on Saturday 10 am until October 21, 2023 at Điều Ngự Buddhist Temple

Sep 09 -  Sep 16  -  Sep 23  -  Sep 30  -  Oct 07 - Oct 14  -  Oct 21

Vietnamese Buddhists believe that when one dies, she might wander in the liminal worlds for up to 49 days before taking birth in another form.  For 7 weeks (49 days), family and friends chant Buddhist protective verses and offer a meal on the altar table at a Buddhist temple.  This practice benefits both the family and departed loved one.  It is a period of transition for the family to grieve and comfort one another, and enjoy 7 symbolic remaining meals with their dearly departed.  More importantly, the various Buddhist chants encourage our departed loved one to let go of remaining attachments associated with greed, anger and delusion, and lighten their heart towards peace so they can take rebirth in a happy realm. 

Chùa Điều Ngự

Điều Ngự Buddhist Temple

Week 1, Saturday, September 09, 2023 at Chùa Điều Ngự

Week 2, Saturday, September 16, 2023 at Chùa Điều Ngự

Week 3, Saturday, September 23, 2023 at Chùa Điều Ngự

Week 4, Saturday, September 30, 2023 at Chùa Điều Ngự

Week 5, Saturday, October 7, 2023 at Chùa Điều Ngự

Week 6, Saturday, October 14, 2023 at Chùa Điều Ngự

Week 7, 49 days of chantings, Saturday, October 21, 2023 at Chùa Điều Ngự

Week 14, 100 Days (rebirth of the soul) Saturday, December 16, 2023 at Chùa Điều Ngự