
Current Projects:

Upcoming Talks/Conferences:

Dec 11 2020: NIPS (Neurips) [I'm on the committee]

Jan 5-8 2021: JMM (Washington DC) [I'm an organizer]

July 12-16 2021:  Young Topologists Meeting (Stockholm) [I'm an organizer]

Selected Past Talks:

May 25th 2020: "Homotopical decompositions of simplicial and Vietoris Rips complexes" - ATMCS 2020 (contributed, Tombari presented)

Sep. 27, 2019: "The Pursuit-Evasion Problem" - PhD Seminar KTH

May 9, 2019: "Topological Data Analysis and the Pursuit-Evasion Problem" - San Francisco State University

Mar. 30, 2019: "Symplectic embeddings in four dimensions" - Eastern Illinois Integrated Conference in Geometry, Dynamics, and Topology

Mar. 28, 2019: "The Pursuit-Evasion Problem" - Western Illinois University Colloquium

Oct. 16, 2018: "Symplectic Embeddings of Ellipsoids into Polydiscs" - Stockholm University Topology Seminar 

Dec 4, 2017: "The Classification Problem in Topology" - UC Santa Cruz Undergraduate Seminar

Nov 15, 2017: "On the Immersion h-principle" - UC Santa Cruz Symplectic Geometry Seminar

May 20, 2017: "Lefschetz Fibrations and Open Book Decompositions" - Kylerec

May 3, 2017: "Knot Theory, Not Theory" - UC Santa Cruz Undergraduate Colloquium

Feb. 27, 2017: "Harmonic forms and the Laplacian" - UC Santa Cruz Complex Geometry Learning Seminar

Feb. 6, 2017: "A brief overview of the Hodge and Lefschetz decompositions"   UC Santa Cruz Complex Geometry Learning Seminar. 

Nov. 2, 2016: "On the h-cobordism theorem and the Poincare conjecture" - UC Santa Cruz Graduate Colloquium

Apr. 19, 2015: "Topological unknots can be physically unknotted with a polynomial amount of stretching." - AMS Sectional Meeting, UNLV (contributed, Coward presented) 

Selected Past Talks (High School):

Dec. 2011: "Trace element compositions of Guadalupian-age carbonate rocks from Sichuan, China." - AGU Fall Meeting

Dec. 2010: "Size and Origination: Foraminifera." - AGU Fall Meeting