
Portugal, officially the Kingdom of Portugal, is a country located in Europe on the Iberian peninsula. Portugal was formed before Spain was, back in a really really long time ago. They were the second to found a colony on the Americas (after Spain). Their colonial empire consists of territory in the Americas and Africa.

Quick Facts

Official Name: Kingdom of Portugal

Government Type: Absolute Monarchy

Years Active: A long time

Alliances: Central Forces (1818-1820), Legion/European Council (1820-Today), Central Forces (1836-1840), Protector Forces (1840-1843)

Conflicts: Second Colonial Wars (Pre-AltWorld), Great War, War of Roman Aggression, American Revolutions

Preceded By: France, the Ottomans, Texas

Succeeded By: Persia

Portugal in 1770

Portugal in 1782

Portugal in 1820

Portugal in 1843