
Persia, officially the Expansive Realm of Iran (direct translation) or the Kingdom of Persia (internationally recognized name), is a country located in western Asia. Although Persia has faced several (minor) changes in government and leadership, the name "Persia" never ceased to describe a sovereign country, so Persia is generally considered the oldest country on the planet.

Quick Facts

Official Name: Expansive Realm of Iran, Kingdom of Persia

Government Type: Absolute monarchy

Alliances: Central forces (1817-1820), Legion (1822-1843), Protectorate forces (1836-1843), European Council (1843-Today)

Conflicts: Great War, War of Roman Aggression

Years Active: Time before time

Preceded By: sand, Ottoman Empire, Portugal


Persia was mostly an isolationist country for much of recent history until their modernization during the Industrial Revolution. In the Great War, they helped bring about the downfall of the Ottoman Empire, bringing Persia back into the major powers scene. They joined the war against Rome and Portugal in the War of Roman Aggression, mainly to capture Egypt and Portugal's territory in Arabia. Thanks to Protectorate victory, they succeeded.

When the Legion was reformed into the European Council, Persia was allowed to continue participating as an "honorary European".

Persia in 1800

Persia after the Great War, 1820

Persia after the War of Roman Aggression, 1843