Why have we never been able to modify audio channels once a clip is added to a sequence? I'm guessing there's a good reason Adobe has never had this feature. The lack of this feature is explicitly mentioned a few times in the audio section of the Premiere Pro CC manual, as if it's a benefit NOT to have it. But the benefit is entirely lost on me.

Once PluralEyes has synched hours of footage and audio and placed it on a PLURALEYES GENERATED sequence, I import that sequence into Premiere. Note: Since I haven't gone through the step of creating a blank New Sequence, I don't get the opportunity to setup my audio channels the way I'd like in my sequence (i.e. Stereo recordings should occupy ONE track, not two. Typically these tracks come from a camcorder and are used for reference sound, or ambient noise at best, so I don't need them taking up precious real estate in my sequence).

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Since PluralEyes doesn't merge my clips for me (or rather I don't want it to since I'm usually doing multi-cam sequences where I want to keep all 14, or so, tracks of audio), I have to go through the clips one by one and do a Merge Clip action once I've adjusted any minor sync issues, or determined which tracks I actually want to keep. But, and here's the key, at this stage I'm not yet 100% certain whether I'll use the nat sound or the wireless mic sound (separate audio recorder, etc). Furthermore, I don't really want to think about that at this point. After I've spent a few mind-numbing hours just ingesting files, sync and merges, I want to jump into the edit as soon as possible, before I lose all will to finish this edit. If I modify my audio channels right now, I'll lose the ability to make some creative decisions later on.

So, am I the only one for whom this would be a handy feature? For anyone that uses a PluralEyes workflow, how do you go about massaging your audio back into it's original stereo form (when Premiere creates only separate mono channels from their exported sequences)? Do you agree that Modify Audio Channels ought to be available from the Timeline (and not just in the Project panel)?

The main challenge for me is keeping track of which of my video clips were recorded with two microphones versus one. Sometimes they're mono, sometimes they're not... Also, using an assistant editor, this is often ignored and I have no way of correcting that without going back to the original clip, manually finding the exact edit point again (IS THERE A BETTER WAY TO DO THIS?) and replacing the clip after I modified the audio channels.

Thanks for adding to the discussion, Pixelshot. It's fascinating to me that so few have run into this limiation. Like you, it's something I must grapple with in literally EVERY project I do (mostly because of the way Premiere splits out audio tracks when it imports from XML). Please add your voice to the feature request here:

At this point, if the audio needs to be modified, it cannot be done on the Timeline. The workaround, of course, is to Find Clip in Project; Modify Audio in the Project panel; then do a Matchframe to replace the audio clip. This works, but requires many steps per clip. Also, Matchframe in Premiere Pro CC is not reliable.

Returning to Pluraleyes workflow, this issue is compounded by the need to Modify almost ALL audio. Every stereo track is separated and placed on two MONO tracks taking up precious real estate. This is not something Pluraleyes imposes. It is due to the way Premiere imports XML timelines. This would apply to sequences imported from Final Cut as well.

I'm not seeing your solution. Above you say I can modify audio channels in the timeline (even though the Adobe Manual, as well as my own experience tells me otherwise). I read your article. There you say "...Premiere will not allow you to modify items that are already in the timeline...", but that you can Interpret the audio clips in the timeline. As others have suggested, I'm assuming you mean right-click, "Audio > Audio Channels".

Thanks, Strypes. I was actually hoping I missed something useful to my workflow. So this thread (and feature request) still stands: You cannot modify audio (i.e. change two mono L/R tracks into ONE STEREO track) from the timeline. Still hoping this will be added to a future version of Premiere.

This limitation is one of the inflexible shortcomings of Premire Pro that has kept me away. I'm currently using Final Cut Pro X, which like Final Cut Pro, is very flexible with changing audio from stereo to dual mono, and back if need be. It can be done in the event browser or in the project timeline. At any stage in the game it can be changed!

I think the reason Adobe can't do this has to do with the design of their timeline audio tracks and other programed relationships within a project. It used to be that you could setup a stereo audio track, or a mono track. Mono audio files had to live on a mono track, and stereo on stereo. I think this changed in CS6 when Adobe introduced... standard audio tracks?? The new tracks could hold a stereo OR mono file. Cool! But what if you want to split a stereo clip into two mono tracks, or group two mono clips (on two tracks) into a stereo clip? Stereo clips and mono clips still occupy one track each.. and in the case of changing a stereo clip to mono Premiere Pro would have to decide for you to create a new track, or drop one of the split mono clips into an open spot in an existing track. It could get unorganized and messy pretty quickly if you don't keep up with it. Especially if it creates a new track for every stereo to mono split you make in the timeline.

In Final Cut Pro 7 and older all timeline audio tracks were mono. A stereo clip would live on two mono tracks, and was linked as a stereo pair. That makes sense.. because stereo is really just two mono audio tracks that work together to create a sense of movement or position, and it was very easy to SEE which clips were mono and which were stereo. Once audio was in the timeline a stereo pair could be unlinked.. or two mono files could be linked as a stereo pair. They stayed in their tracks, but there was a relationship created or destroyed. Little arrows pointed up and down on the respective clip to show that they were linked.

The way Premiere handles audio channels is poor in general, even for clips in the project panel. Unless all of your audio is stereo attached to the original video and will remain that way, you'll spend a lot of time modifying clips in the project panel, one by one.

Plus, there is a bug that causes merged clips with audio tracks converted to mono to lose the audio after a project is closed and reopened. (Looking for solutions is what brought me to this thread after losing a day's work.)

Ugh! I just ran into this limitation. UNBELIEVEABLE! It's not as if our audio assignments were cast in stone by God Almighty when we did our importants. They are *our* assets. We should be able to manipulate them easily at all times!

I totally agree that we should be able to switch between mono and stereo in the timeline. I am a Premiere Pro CC trainer at NRK, the Norwegian Broadcast Corporation and this is a big issue for my students. They sigh when they realize they can't alter the audio in a sequence. This is because many of the editors in NRK don't shoot the footage themselves, so they have to ask the photographer how he/she recorded the audio BEFORE they are able to edit anything. In FCP7 they could just start editing and if they got something wrong about stereo/mono, they just altered it there in the sequence. No hassle.

Why they grey out the drop down to modify stereo tracks to mono when you access that menu from the timeline is beyond me. Shouldn't it stand to reason that I can change the audio assignment on my clips, tracks, or globally in the timeline like every other editing product?

You can channel microphone data (input) from the Airpods and use it to generate audio output to the headphones using standard audio APIs, but this would already be processed by the headphones (doing any noise cancelling on the audio input), and would be subject to headphone-device roundtrip latency (which would ruin any noise cancelling phase effects you were planning) and the audio output from the device would also be subject to whatever magic they're doing on the headphone output side as well.

I'm researching options for creating a simple video player. What I'd like to do, is to apply some audio processing (e.g. low pass filter for simplicity) while playing back the video. I've looked at Qt multimedia API, so here's my main question:

QMediaPlayer doesn't allow low-level access to the audio data. I'd suggest to you to use the QAudioOutput and QAudioDecoder classes for your purpose. The QAudioDecoder produces QAudioBuffer objects. You can access the data() of these objects, process it (modify it) and feed it to the QIODevice that is returned by the start() method of the QAudioOutput object. This will be the audio playback path of your player. For the video you'll still use a muted QMediaPlayer to decode the video frames from the same file and output them to a QAbstractVideoSurface. You'll then need an algorithm to sync the video and audio frames produced by the above two methods.

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Information integration across the senses is fundamental for effective interactions with our environment. The extent to which signals from different senses can interact in the absence of awareness is controversial. Combining the spatial ventriloquist illusion and dynamic continuous flash suppression (dCFS), we investigated in a series of two experiments whether visual signals that observers do not consciously perceive can influence spatial perception of sounds. Importantly, dCFS obliterated visual awareness only on a fraction of trials allowing us to compare spatial ventriloquism for physically identical flashes that were judged as visible or invisible. Our results show a stronger ventriloquist effect for visible than invisible flashes. Critically, a robust ventriloquist effect emerged also for invisible flashes even when participants were at chance when locating the flash. Collectively, our findings demonstrate that signals that we are not aware of in one sensory modality can alter spatial perception of signals in another sensory modality. e24fc04721

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