I remember hearing somewhere that music was Haram due to the damage it does to the soul, so I cut it out, but does that also include background music from Tv shows or YouTube videos (More specifically the more quieter ones).

At the same time, it is plain to see that modern standards of videos and presentations demand some type of background musical score to make them marketable and attractive in mainstream society. While some people may be able to stay within the acapella-only or percussion-based songs, this may not work in every field or to every audience, especially due to cultural relevance.

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I would suggest you try to do what you can to stay within the majority opinion if you can, but if you cannot, then there are other minority opinions that can be acted upon for the sake of a background score to a video.

Myquestion is regarding the videos on a youtube channel which are knowledgeableand informative but has a light background music. The channel uploads videosabout the world, politics and current affairs etc. Is it permissible to watchsuch videos which has a little background music and it does not emphasize moreon the background music but rather on the content in the videos; also in someIslamic channels it has a less percentage of background music, sound effects andintro music in the videos in the islamic content, is it permissible to watch such videos inIslam?

A source related to the producers of "Noragami Aragoto," a polytheistic battle fantasy literally meaning "Stray God, Rough Style," said a person claiming to be Muslim complained that the call to prayer was mixed in with the show's music, which aired on television.googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1499653692894-0'); });

Based on the results, playing music in a store could significantly influence the total sales and average purchase value, while no positive role was observed on the number of purchases. Furthermore, dual impression form Islam viewpoints regarding music was observed in the present study as it failed to affect the number of sales in spite of influencing the amount of sales. Individuals affected by music buy more expensive goods, which may indicate that those who buy more luxury goods are less inclined to Islamic views or are inclined to those views which regards playing music as legitimate.

Store managers and marketers in Islamic nation are recommended to play pop music in their store to improve total sales. Managers in islamic nation should play some music when they offer more luxury and less ordinary goods. Although the present study attempted to control potential intervening variables to increase validity, controlling intervening variables is a serious limitation for conducting a field study. Uncontrollable intervening variables established by other media are considered as another limitation in this study.

For the first time, this study sheds some light on how the types of background music influences on the Islamic consumers. The study shows the ambiguity in the islamic texts and the differences in the judgments of religious regarding playing music to muslim consumer.

Akhavan Kharazian, M. and Azadfar, V. (2019), "Modeling of Islamic consumer behavior and background music regarding ambiguity in the Islamic texts", International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management, Vol. 12 No. 4, pp. 553-568. -04-2018-0147

Music is a track that never leads to Jannah. We hope you understand from this that is music haram in Islam or not. Islamic scholars have diverse viewpoints about whether music is halal or haram in Islam.

Actually, the viewpoints are contradicting. Some scholars think listening to music haram in Islam, while others consider instrumental music as haram. Also, some Islamic scholars believe playing instruments and music as halal.

However, the discussion about what is pure Islam is present in almost all cultural forms. Singing or listening to music is one of the topics in question. The most common belief is that music is haram in Islam hadith.

But, most scholars like Mufti Menk consider modern music, including vocals, as absolutely filthy. Mufti Menk mentioned that modern music is evocative, leading to haram.

The background music is not haram if it is not soiled and is free of all subliminal messages. It should be intended to lift the spirit of people. Islam permits occasional outlets for us to heal and calm down.

Scholars who consider music as halal discourage Muslims from vulgar music that promotes un-Islamic acts. Music that includes suggestive and sexual indications. Instead of making any final remarks, we suggest you do your own research. In fact Listening music goes against Islamic cultures.

This one is an Islamic ethnic royalty free music soundtrack, ideal for middle eastern themes. The mesmerizing sounds of duduk, harp and light timpani will be well suited for your drama movies, sad and nostalgic scenes, intros and openers, trailers, documentaries and travel videos, you tube and social media contents and more.. Its dreamy and airy feel will undoubtedly give your precious projects a whole new dimension! Try it today and you will see the drastic difference! Enjoy..

In many parts of the Muslim world devotional/religious music and secular music is well developed and popular. In recent decades, "the advent of a whole new generation of Muslim musicians who try to blend their work and faith", has given the issue "extra significance".[11]

Historically, Islamic art and music flourished during the Islamic Golden Age.[12][13][14] Islamic music is also credited with influencing European and Western music; for example, French musicologist Baron Rodolphe d'Erlanger in his assessment of the Abbasid Caliphate in Islamic history credits Abu Nasr Muhammad al-Farabi's Kitabu l'musiqi al-kabir ("The Great Book of Music") with this influence.[15]

Strictly speaking, the words 'Islamic religious music' present a contradiction in terms. The practice of orthodox Sunni and Shi'a Islam does not involve any activity recognized within Muslim cultures as 'music'. The melodious recitation of the Holy Qur'an and the call to prayer are central to Islam, but generic terms for music have never been applied to them. Instead, specialist designations have been used. However, a wide variety of religious and spiritual genres that use musical instruments exists, usually performed at various public and private assemblies outside the orthodox sphere.

The question of whether music is permitted or forbidden in Islam is a matter of debate among scholars.[11] The Qur'an does not specifically refer to music itself. Some scholars, however, have interpreted the phrase "idle talk", which is discouraged, as including music.[11]

Music appears in several hadith in an unfavorable way, with one example being: "Singing sprouts hypocrisy in the heart as rain sprouts plants." But there is disagreement over the reliability of these narrations.[11] Another hadith reads: "There will be among my Ummah people who will regard as permissible adultery, silk, alcohol and musical instruments."[17] But again, the reliability of this hadith has also been questioned, most notably by Ibn Hazm al-Dhahiri.[18]

"Attacks on offending objects are a ubiquitous theme ... There are, for example, chess-boards to be overturned, supposedly sacred trees to be cut down and decorative images to destroy or deface ... But the targets that are mentioned again and again are liquor and musical instruments. (An exception was sometimes made for tambourines which were used to announce marriages)."[21]

There is a fairly wide difference of opinion over what exceptions can be made to the prohibition on music. Examples of what is allowed include: vocals but not instruments; vocals but only if the audience is of the same gender; vocals and drums, or vocals and traditional one sided drum and tambourine, but no other instruments; any kind of music provided it is not passionate, sexually suggestive, or has lyrics in violation of Islamic principles.

Imam al-Ghazali, reported several hadith and came to the conclusion that music in and of itself is permitted, saying: "All these Ahadith are reported by al-Bukhari and singing and playing are not haram." He also references a narration from Khidr, wherein a favorable opinion of music is expressed.[30][24]

According to Hussein Rashid, "contemporary scholars including Shaykh al-Azhar Mahmud Shaltut, Shaykh Yusuf Qaradawi, and Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini have all issued legal rulings that audio arts [including music] that do not encourage people to go against the faith are permitted."[31]Notable people who are regarded as having believed music is halal include Abu Bakr ibn al-Arabi, Ibn al-Qaisarani, Ibn Sina, Abu Hamid al-Ghazali, Abd al-Ghani al-Nabulsi, Rumi, Ibn Rushd, and Ibn Hazm.[citation needed]

At least a few sources blame prohibition of music not on rigorous interpretation of scripture but the association of "fashionable" secular music "with erotic dance and drinking" (Jacob M. Landau),[40] or "illicit behavior tied to music, rather than to the music itself" (Hussein Rashid).[31] According to Rashid, the Quran, "contains no direct references to music", and hadith contains "conflicting evidence";[31] Landau states that scholars antagonistic to music "relied on forced interpretations of a few unclear passages in the Qurn" or Hadth".[40]

The blues, born in the Deep South, conjures up images of cotton fields, oppressed sharecroppers, chain gangs, pain, and lonesomeness. When one thinks about a music so embedded in rural African American culture, Islam certainly does not come to mind. Yet it should because some of the deepest roots of the blues grew not in the Mississippi Delta but thousands of miles away, in the Islamic belt of West Africa. e24fc04721


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