Word Processing

Here are some videos that will introduce you to some of the features of a Word Processing program.

These are about Google Docs, but most of these features/buttons/menus are the same in Microsoft Word, as well.

Voice Typing, Translate, and Research are NOT a part of MS Word.

This is a different guy. He doesn't have a British accent.

He starts from the beginning - getting a Google Account, but he also shows you how to share documents, and other things.

As you can see, Google Docs is incredible. It has nearly all the features the Microsoft Word does.

There are very compelling reasons to choose Google Docs/Sheets/Slides instead of Microsoft Office.

Microsoft Word

In some cases, though, there are some very useful MS Word features that are missing from Google Docs.

Below are some videos that show you those features.

This first one shows you how to put in "Tab leaders",

which are particularly useful when creating a Table of Contents.

This second one shows how to insert special characters, but I suggest you skip ahead to where he shows how to

Insert the Date & Time. This is at 4:50 into the video.

There are Hidden Characters in a Word Processing document. Things that do not print, but would indicate where you hit "Enter", or "Tab", or the Space bar, or where you Inserted a Page Break. Sometimes, it is useful to be able to see those characters, because it might be mysterious why your document is behaving in a certain way. This video shows how to make those Hidden Characters visible or invisible.