Visual & Perfoming Arts


Hoover High School


Welcome to Hoover High School!

My name is Michael Heu and I am the director of the ALMA academy with specializes in Visual and Performing Arts.  We strive to nurture students in the arts of their choice whether it is visual art, music, theater, or media.  We also encourage students to be lifelong learners, advocates for the arts, and global citizens.  We understand that many students use the arts as a way for self-expression, and though some may pursue other careers, the arts are what keeps students connected to Hoover, their academics, and their community.  

It is one of our goals to integrate the arts within their core academic classes.  Studies have shown that the arts enhances a student's self-confidence and communication skills; teaches discipline, management, and analytical skills; but most importantly, encourages student engagement.  These are the keys to helping your child become successful and have some fun along the way.

VAPA Student Advisory

The purpose of the Student Advisory is to allow academy students to create, plan, and implement activities and events for the academy.  We will end the first semester with VAPADome, a fight to the finish, all academy event for the Shield of Honor.

If you're interested in being a part of the VAPA Student Advisory, please e-mail Mr. Heu from your personal email address.  Your school email will not go through.  Thanks!

The Academy of Literature, Media, & Arts ~ ALMA 2024

All My Talents.mp4

Cardinal for the Day Promo

Welcome Wilson and Monroe Clark students!


Past ALMA promotional videos


Student Directed and Produced Promo