Our Work

Having digital equity means that all people have access to the skills, computer equipment, and reliable high-speed internet needed to operate in the digital world. Digital equity is necessary for people to fully participate in modern society. It plays a vital role as part of overall personal and community equity because all major parts of life—including health, housing, food, education, employment, child care, banking, transportation, and civic engagement—have gone online. As society becomes more and more reliant on technology, the importance of digital equity increases. 

While the issues tend to be the same, they show up differently depending on who you are and where you are. For example, high-speed internet access may not be affordable to people with lower incomes in urban and suburban areas, and it may not be available in rural areas—yet it is always an issue about access.

By bringing people and existing community resources together, the Alliance acts to increase the rate of positive change. Through collaboration, impact can be expanded by boosting the number of people reached—and the number of people served.

The Alliance works with trusted community organizations and existing networks to help strengthen their efforts in the digital space. Through forming partnerships and providing funding, the Alliance helps support and coordinate work that is currently being done. Additionally, the Alliance can promote programs that work toward digital equity in order to connect community members with these valuable resources.

Ongoing work and initiatives include:

Our Framework

See Assessment Report for more information on the Framework