German Dirndl

If you've ever asked yourself the question of What Exactly a Dirndl Is then you've come to the right place.

Whilst we've written a comprehensive post on our main website Absolute Munich answering everything you need to know about German Dirndls here you can get a general overview.

A Dirndl is a traditional Bavarian dress that originated in the 18th century as a type of workwear if you can believe it!

A Traditional German Dirndl is a type of bodice and skirt with a fitted bodice and an ankle-length skirt. More modern dirndls are produced in varying lengths nowadays depending on the wearer's preferences.

The dirndl is sometimes decorated with embroidery and lace, but can also be worn quite plain. Typically a woman will accessorize her dirndl with ribbons and jewelry.

The most common type of dirndl is the one that has a white blouse, black skirt, red ribbon around the waist, and an apron. These days, however, dirndls come in all shapes and sizes.

Dirndls are usually made from cotton or linen fabric which are durable materials for everyday wear.

The dirndl is often associated with Bavaria but is also worn throughout Austria, Switzerland, Lichtenstein and in the north of Italy.

Are Dirndls German

A dirndl is definitely associated with Germany thanks to its very prominent presence at festivals such as Oktoberfest but actually, the garment is historically from both Germany and Austria.

This typical Bavarian Garb has roots in both Bavaria and in the Tyrol region of Austria, and its popularity spread from those regions after some aristocracy and royalty began wearing their dirndl outfits in public.

The Dirndl is now recognized worldwide and is a popular German Dress worn for many formal occasions and for even more festive occasions.

two women wearing dirndls at Oktoberfest

How To Wear A Dirndl

A dirndl's skirt can either be full or gathered to fit snugly around the waist. It can be held together with a belt or bow at the waist, or it can be loose-fitting and flared out from the hips.

There are certain protocols for securing your dirndl apron so make sure you know all the inside information on how to wear your dirndl, how to tie your apron, and all about dirndl wearing etiquette by reading THIS ARTICLE on our main website.