
The Diocese is responding to the House of Bishops request that all churches are as safe as possible for children, young people and vulnerable adults.  As part of this Dioceses must ensure that there are no outstanding safeguarding risks.  Most importantly, the Church needs to support any victims of past church related abuse.  

Bishop Andrew

See  announcement below.

(There have been no cases of such abuse at All Saints during the period under review.  However, all churches are required to make parishioners aware of this intent.   

All Saints’ Tilford Safeguarding Policy

Safeguarding is at the heart of our Christian faith. We welcome, respect and value members of our community in a safe and caring environment. Every year the PCC review the Church of England Safeguarding Policies contained within the Parish Handbook. 

The Parish Safeguarding Policy Statement

The Parish Safeguarding Policy Statement is on the noticeboard in the Church. Any causes of concern for the safeguarding of children, young people or vulnerable adults must be reported immediately to the Parish Safeguarding Officer who will institute appropriate measures straight away.

Safeguarding Representative


The Parish Handbook can be viewed here

Parish Safeguarding Handbook 2018