What should I know about Email server settings for ATT net?

ATT Email Server Settings

ATT net provides the best customer friendly email services. However, many people get confused while it comes to the settings of the email server. There are several settings that you must be aware of on the Email server. If you are wondering which one you should know, then you can read this write up.

What are my ATT email server settings?

Here you can do settings for both incoming and outgoing servers. For incoming, it is known as POP settings, and for outgoing, it is known as SMTP. You can read about them below, and first, you can see steps for POP or incoming server and then you can read about SMTP.

Steps to set POP ATT email server settings

  • For this, you need to open your device and search for pop.att.yahoo.com

  • Here you need to provide some information, like User name, where you need to provide AT&T email address, domain. For domain, test@att.net

  • For incoming port, you can see the secure connection, 995, so make sure you check this and then complete the settings.

Steps to set SMTP email server settings

  • Again open any updated browser and search for smtp.att.yahoo.com. You need to take care of one thing that requires an authentication process.

  • For login, you need to use an AT&T email address which must contain a domain.

  • For outgoing mail port, you can see 465, a secure connection similar to POP or incoming server.

In this way, you can run ATT email server settings, and if necessary, you can change the port number. But, before you run this, you need to check the SSL box first and then introduce any kind of changes.