The Ruby pistol was a semi-automatic pistol of .32 ACP calibre made by Gabilondo y Urresti and other Spanish companies. It saw use in both World Wars as the service weapon of the French Army under the name Pistolet Automatique de 7 millim.65 genre "Ruby".

The contract stipulated that each company would produce a minimum of 5,000 pistols per month. Gabilondo would produce 10,000 guns, carry out overall quality control and arrange delivery to the French authorities in Bayonne. As the number of pistols required increased the company agreed to purchase any pistols in excess of the agreed number at the same contracted price. As demand increased Gabilondo recruited another three partners to help manufacture the Ruby. Estimates of Gabilondo Ruby production are between 250,000 and 300,000 pistols in total. While most Gabilondo contract pistols were of good quality, others were less well made.[2]

Alkar Standard Automatic Pistol Serial Number


The Ruby-type pistol is very intuitive to operate, even for novices. The slide stop doubles as a safety and field stripping is remarkably simple. The small size and large magazine capacity was an advantage, making it a popular "backup" weapon for troops involved in trench warfare, as well as the standard issue weapons for telephonists, stretcher bearers, machine-gun, machine-rifle, tank, and mortar crews, and rear-echelon personnel of all descriptions.[6] The comparatively weak cartridges these pistols were chambered in gave little recoil, making them easier for novices to use effectively.[5]

In later years, Ruby-types became notorious for the lack of standardization of parts between different manufacturers, resulting in a widespread incompatibility of spare parts that made the Ruby-types difficult to maintain. Some of this is due to the persistent confusion over exactly who made which Ruby-type pistol.

The pistol was submitted to the French Army which was in dire need of automatic pistols at the time, with the pistol ending up being adopted by the French Army after finding out that the pistol was well suited to their needs. Eventually, a standing order for 5,000 pistols a month was placed in May 1915; this number would later increase to 30,000 by August 1915 and 50,000 even later.[1]

Part of the French contract required subcontractors to pay a fine if their monthly quota was not met and that any pistols produced over the 5,000 pistol quota would be purchased by Gabilondo at standard rate. While the original pistols were made of decent quality, eventually quantity was prioritized over quality to help maximize profits.

To deal with the varying illuminations problems, [53] came up with an algorithm based on fuzzy logic. The HSV color space is utilized in the process. In the fuzzy sets, all the components of HSV are initially mapped in terms of the different membership-functions. Then the fuzzy classified function is demonstrated by fusing all the three HSV components based weighted membership degrees. Three different image datasets were chosen for testing the efficiency. The recognition rate on average as recorded is 95.05% on Shanghai, 92.17% on Shenzhen and 93.23% on Beijing number plates respectively. In [54], to determine candidate regions, the statistical threshold is chosen by the adopted color model of HSI, where HSI represents Hue, Saturation, and Intensity. This technique can be utilized to detect candidate regions provided the number plates and the car/vehicle bodies are of the same color. The standard deviation and mean of hue are applied in the detection of yellow and green pixels of number plate. The intensity and saturation component of HSI are utilized for sending the white, green, and yellow pixels of number plate from the relevant vehicle images.

.25 bore Pistol Cz-

The Vzor 45, commonly known as CZ 45 is a compact blowback operated semi-automatic pistol chambered in .25 ACP. It was made in Czechoslovakia and later in the Czech Republic.

Hello Mr. McCollum,

I to own one of the Ruby 7.65 pistols made by GABILONDOS marked GU inside of the oval. I wanted to share a couple of things I have noticed over the years of owning one of these in y opinion fine little weapons. I have seen a couple besides mine and one of them had the two stars beside the magazine well. Mine has also numbers stamped inside the Stars one is a 7 the other an 11, which has been hinted at by some of my collector friends as the acceptance date for the French of July 1911 I do not know this to be true but is logical. All parts in this weapon are marked with a 5 digit matching serial numbers with acceptance to the magazine which has no serial number just the oval with RH inside. I have found while disassembling this pistol ( can not see any reason for it) leave the safety in the3 safe position and pull on trigger while sliding receiver forward and it will just about fall apart. I took several tries when I first got it to get it apart to clean. hope this helps you did a great article and I thank you,

It also upgraded large numbers of M113 series APC and variants to the diesel powered M113 standard which has the local designation of the M113A2T2. In addition it has converted upgraded M113 to more specialised roles such as Engineering Squad Armoured Vehicle, Ambulance and Command Post vehicles.

The Eibar region of Spain is known as the center of a lot of pistol production from WWI through the Spanish Civil War, typically pistols called Ruby clones. Well, the various small gunmakers there were looking to copy more than just the Ruby. They duplicated a number of American and European revo...

Star produced 1911-style pistols in a wide variety of calibers and configurations for more than 50 years, including several models with shoulder stocks. Two of the later such models were the MMS and MB. These were standard 5 inch barreled pistols shipped with wooden combination holster stocks and... 589ccfa754

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