Scenario 3

Student Request for Non-standard Technology Application

A visually impaired teen moves into your district. It quickly becomes evident that your school's "no cell phone" policy will be problematic for her. The teen uses her phone as an assistive device, using AI enabled apps to read for her and help her navigate independantly. School administrators are requesting guidance as they want to be able to foster the student's independance within the context of the policies in place at the school.

Promising Practices That Apply

Stepping Through the ITIL

Service Strategy - Using the SETT framework workflow, the student is observed in class. The observer determines that student needs the additioanl support to maintain independence. At the cross-functional team meeting everyone agrees that this new student needs access to a cell phone. The issue is more about how to give her access without interfering with school policies. The plan is to allow the student to function as she normally does if possible.

Service Design - Discussions with IT indicate that the apps the student uses can be accessed on a cell phone without calling features enabled. The student is issued a school division cell phone with necessary app installed for use when in school.

Service Transition - Student is asked to pilot the use of the phone to determine if the needs she has are met.

Service Operations - IT is asked to provide a schedule for keeping the cell phone software and all apps updated.