Exhibit 6

For this project I decided to restore and colorize this photo of my grandparents from their wedding in the 70s. This included fixing the damage on the bottom right, removing all the spots of color, and reconstructing the far right side of the picture, then adding color.

Original scan (Rita and Terry)

Design Thoughts:

There was no particular consideration for design in this project, the goal was to restore the photo and colorize it

Design Elements:

Contrast - used when picking the colors and adjusting black and white

Repetition - Repeating shades of blue, repeated pattern on shirt

Alignment - Realigned image to be straight

Proximity - Proximity of colors was important to create a realistic colorization

Color - Colorized image in blues, tans, and yellows according to likely original colors.


Photoshop - Spot Healing Brush (Lighten, Darken, and Color modes), Healing Brush, Clone stamp tool, Black and White Adjustment Layer, Select and Mask (Refine edges), Paint Bucket, Layer blending modes, Quick Mask Mode, Brush, Eraser, Opacity,