Exhibit 5

For this project we focused on adjustment layers.

I combined multiple adjustment layers to create the sketch effect on the right, which inspired me to create an ad about a fake company that could teach you to draw.

Design Elements:

Contrast - White text on blue background, green button for contrast, contrast between image and sketch

Repetition - font repetition between text and button, repetition of colors form image in colors of graphics

Alignment - text left aligned, centered in image, button text centered

Proximity - Logo is separate to bring attention

Color - Blues and greens to match the image on the left

Type - Body text font (Berlin Sans FB),

Logo text (A Bit Sketchy by Jeremy Dixon, free for personal use)

Check out the tutorial I followed do create the Drawing Effect


Photoshop - Text tool, Eyedropper, Guides, Gradient tool, Mask, Filter Gallery (charcoal and chalk, Glowing Edges), Adjustments (Levels, Invert, Black & White, Gaussian Blur), Adjustment Layers (Black & White, Gradient Map, Brightness/Contrast, Levels, Curves), Blending modes, Shape tool, Brush tool

Original image from Pixabay