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Authors: Andreas Holzinger 

Affiliation: University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Austria

Preview: "[...] This book is an extraordinary journey of discovery where artistic expression meets technological advancement. It illuminates the transformative journey of developing AI solutions, algorithms and practices that put people at the center... Through its innovative design and communication style, this book addresses the key challenges involved in a unique way. The content is carefully organised into forward-looking chapters that combine comprehensive overviews with critical insights and innovative perspectives. As extensions of specialised visual stories, each chapter addresses a critical facet of the human-centred AI paradigm. Respected experts have contributed to each chapter as needed to ensure a scholarly and comprehensive treatment of the topic".

Springer link: TBA

PART I -  Academic Graphic Novel on a Journey around Human-Centered AI

Chapter 1 on A Trust Story in the Age of AI

Authors: Panagiotis Germanakos *, Monika Juhasz *, Aparna Kongot **, Devashree Marathe **, Dimitris Sacharidis ***, Jaison Jacob **, Daniel Defiebre +

Affiliation: * SAP SE, Germany; ** SAP Labs, India; *** Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium; +  WÖRK, Germany

Preview: Hidden behind black mirrors, invisible for the everyday people, exists a whole universe governed by logic, algorithms, rules, and probabilities. Safeguarded from harm and malevolence, it serves only one purpose: to simplify human life. Join agent Black on a journey as it tackles what seems like a straightforward user request: finding the perfect birthday celebration spot. Will it succeed? Will it satisfy the user? It’s more challenging than one might think. Agent Black must travel deep into the parallel world of virtual networks to uncover the right answer. This academic graphic novel humanizes key elements of a decentralized human-centered AI system, recounting agent Black's quest to fulfill its purpose. By attributing human characteristics to agents representing their owners in the digital world, allowing them to feel joy and despair, and using humorous analogies of a world of individuals going about their daily lives, the story demystifies complex AI concepts and makes the formal logic-driven domain accessible to a wider audience. It also interweaves expert discussions on specialized scientific topics related to the human-centered AI journey, providing in-depth insights in an approachable manner.

Springer link: TBA

PART II -  Deep Dive Textual Chapters on Focused Topics of Human-Centred AI

Chapter 2 on Human-Computer Interaction, User Experience and AI Systems

Authors: Masha Fisher, Svenja Rößler 

Affiliation: Heilbronn University of Applied Sciences, Heilbronn, Germany

Preview: This chapter claims that, in an evolving landscape shaped by advancements in computing power and AI systems, Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) professionals and designers are pivotal in crafting the user experience (UX) for upcoming AI-driven interactions and solutions. It explores the impact on work processes and methods, and highlights the opportunities and challenges that arise in understanding user needs while harnessing the capabilities of AI technologies. The literature review details new or adapted techniques and frameworks for designing with AI systems. The chapter envisions a future where designers play a crucial role in the development team, addressing the dynamic challenges posed by AI-driven interfaces. Ultimately, it emphasizes the synergy between human-centric design and the capabilities of AI.

Springer link: TBA

Chapter 3 on AI Paradigms and Agent-based Technologies

Authors: Luis Macedo

Affiliation: University of Coimbra, Portugal

Preview: This chapter delves into the multifaceted landscape of AI, considering its impact on society and labeling it as a potential driver of a new Industrial Revolution. While acknowledging the positive impacts, the chapter also addresses concerns that advocate for increased regulation. Focusing on AI paradigms, particularly AI agents, the chapter traces the historical evolution of AI and its breakthroughs, positioning it within the broader ecosystem where human interaction is pivotal. Best practices, effectiveness, efficiency, and transparency are emphasized, with a thorough exploration of the “human in the loop” concept, elucidating the diverse roles humans play in AI processes. The chapter covers issues of coordination, cooperation, and negotiation between artificial and human agents, delving into machine learning areas like reinforcement learning and learning by demonstration. It con-cludes by examining the limitations, challenges, opportunities, and potential impacts, both positive and negative, of AI. 

Springer link: TBA

Chapter 4 on Conversational User Interfaces and Agents

Authors: Giovanni Maria Biancofiore, Dario Di Palma, Claudio Pomo, Fedelucio Narducci, Tommaso Di Noia

Affiliation: Polytechnic University of Bari, Italy

Preview: This chapter investigates Conversational Agents (CAs), such as chatbots or virtual assistants, as AI systems revolutionizing human-machine interaction through natural language. It explores their applications in customer service, healthcare, and education, analyzing their structures, addressed problems, and existing challenges. The chapter categorizes tasks using a comprehensive taxonomy, covering information retrieval, question answering, and chitchat. Distinctions between modular and end-to-end implementations are discussed, along with the strengths and limitations of potential models. The examination incorporates recent methodologies, rule-based and data-driven strategies, emphasizing the necessity of developing ethical and reliable conversational agents for the future.

Springer link: TBA

Chapter 5 on AI Ethics

Authors: Camila Lombana-Diaz

Affiliation: SAP SE, Germany

Preview: This chapter investigates the complex landscape of regulatory and ethical challenges surrounding AI. By understanding AI ethics, potential risks such as biases and privacy violations can be identified and mitigated. The aim is to offer an accessible overview of AI ethics, covering current regulations and their operationalization. While high-lighting key principles, the chapter also underscores existing gaps in ethical dis-course, emphasizing the need for a more comprehensive approach beyond regulations alone. 

Springer link: TBA

Chapter 6 on User Modeling in human-centered AI

Authors: Eelco Herder, Judith Masthoff

Affiliation: Utrecht University, The Netherlands

Preview: This chapter delves into considerations for user modeling in human-centered AI, exploring the intricate dimensions of representation in AI systems. It argues that AI, encompassing disciplines like recommender systems and decision support, aims to understand, replicate, and potentially enhance human intelligence. Within AI-supported decision-making, systems may be user-initiated (e.g., recommender systems) or highly automated (e.g., navigation or automotive driving). The crucial inquiry revolves around how these systems learn about individuals, how these individuals are represented, and the completeness, realism, reliability, and fairness of such representations.

Springer link: TBA

Chapter 7 on Adaptation & Personalization in Human-centered AI

Authors: Marko Tkalčič *, Bruce Ferwerda **

Affiliation: * University of Primorska in Koper, Slovenia; ** Jönköping University, Sweden

Preview: This chapter scrutinizes the historical evolution and contemporary trends of adaptation and personalization in human-centric AI. Beginning with a clarification of the terms “adaptation” and “personalization,” the narrative expands into the historical context, illustrating the intertwined development of personalization as a form of adaptation. The discussion extends to current trends, particularly those rooted in human-centric aspects, termed as theory-driven personalization. The chapter concludes with a critical assessment of the challenges and threats faced by adaptive and personalized human-centric AI, offering a forward-looking perspective.

Springer link: TBA

Chapter 8 on Human and Computer Networks

Authors: José Marcelo Fernandes *, André Rodrigues **, Fernando Boavida *, Jorge Sá Silva *

Affiliation: * University of Coimbra, Portugal; ** Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra, Portugal

Preview: This chapter explores the transformative impact of technology on human interactions and systems, encompassing fields like quantum computing, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things (IoT). It emphasizes the importance of integrating humans into these systems, acknowledging their actions, emotions, and intentions as pivotal factors. The proliferation of smartphones and social networks, coupled with advances in sensing technologies and interactive agents, enables a more comprehensive understanding of human states. The chapter reviews Internet technologies and presents a novel model for the Human–In–The–Loop–Cyber–Physical Systems paradigm, emphasizing the integral role of humans in every phase of the cyber-physical loop.

Springer link: TBA

Chapter 9 on Privacy in AI

Authors: Esma Aïmeur

Affiliation: University of Montreal, Canada

Preview: This chapter discusses the contemporary challenge of balancing technological dependency with the growing concerns over privacy. It starts by defining the concept of privacy and explores how AI and manipulation techniques pose threats to individuals’ privacy. The narrative includes a specific focus on Generative AI tools, showcasing their relevance in recent years through real-world applications. The chapter concludes by analyzing tools available to users for protecting and controlling their privacy, offering insights into navigating this delicate balance in the era of increased technological influence.

Springer link: TBA

Chapter 10 on Human Factors and Behavioral Sensing in AI Applications

Authors: Marios Constantinides *, Dimitris Spathis *, Sofia Yfantidou **

Affiliation: * Nokia Bell Labs, Cambridge, UK; ** Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

Preview: This chapter explores the transformative impact of machine learning integration in personal devices, enabling tasks previously deemed impossible. It scrutinizes the demanding interplay of AI, data, and human factors, emphasizing the multifaceted nature of human factors, including physical, cognitive, social, and emotional aspects. The narrative underscores the potential pitfalls of neglecting these factors, especially in high-stakes and enterprise scenarios. Challenges such as data annotation, representation, diversity, and privacy are discussed within the rapidly evolving landscape of AI algorithms, offering insights into the next generation of human factors in AI-based devices and applications.

Springer link: TBA

Chapter 11 on Human-centered Recommender Systems

Authors: Miguel Portaz, Angeles Manjarrés, Olga C. Santos

Affiliation: Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), Spain

Preview: This chapter reports on Recommender Systems (RS) as pivotal architects in personalizing user experiences within the evolving digital landscape. It emphasizes the shift from mere efficiency to a deeper understanding of user needs and preferences through a human-centered lens. The focus is on psychomotor RS, addressing their unique challenges and potential applications in technology-advanced decision-making contexts. The chapter introduces the CARAIX framework, highlighting its deployment in the human-centered context and offering insights into addressing ethical challenges by prioritizing the human element. The examination includes a review of criticisms, best practices in RS, and existing engineering support.

Springer link: TBA

Chapter 12 on Responsible AI

Authors: Giorgos Giannopoulos *, Dimitris Sacharidis **

Affiliation: * ATHENA Research & Innovation Center, Greece; ** Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium

Preview: This chapter introduces the concept of Responsible AI, which aims to establish ethical principles and algorithmic foundations to ensure AI systems benefit both humans and society. It outlines the guiding principles that AI systems should adhere to, discusses algorithmic approaches, and offers an outlook on responsible AI.

Springer link: TBA

Chapter 13 on Creativity and Generative AI

Authors: Jasper Kense, Shilpa Tripathi Jurinek **

Affiliation: * Independent Researcher; ** SAP Labs, USA

Preview: Thia chapter explores the interplay between creativity and generative AI, how our roles might morph as the AI-human dynamic evolves and propose some best practices when designing with generative AI or building creative solutions using generative AI.

Springer link: TBA