

The rapid evolution of technology in recent years has upgraded the role of computers and the Internet to an indispensable auxiliary tool for the harmonious and orderly everyday human action. This "Human-Computer Symbiosis" has transformed the computational systems to a new multidimensional communication medium that is based on new challenges, activities, methodologies, processes, tools, and services. In the era of wireless communication, pervasive computing and Internet of Things the need for human-centred computing is even more recognizable for creating effective solutions that could adequately support the generated specialized use cases to the benefit of the unique user.

This book delves into human-centered computing and AI research areas, attempting to reveal the values, paradigms, contextual aspects, challenges and opportunities that arise throughout this end-to-end journey in the intersection of the physical and virtual worlds. It attempts to shed light into the invisible reality that extends from user actions and individual differences, to complex algorithmic computations and virtual networks, so as to address a storyline from the submission of a user’s request (touch interaction point) till the delivery of a response. Special emphasis is placed on promoting original insights and paradigms with respect to latest technologies, current research trends, and innovation directions, e.g., incorporating aspects derived from psychological theory and individual differences in adaptive computational systems and recommenders so as to increase explainability, fairness, and transparency, and decrease bias during interactions while the control remains with the user.

In this respect, the book follows a novel/ hybrid creation and publication style to meet its purpose; it conveys the essence of human-centered AI and complement scientific/ research aspects as a visual quest and specialized textual contributions. Its contents blend into three thematic dimensions:

Human-centered AI: An Illustrated Scientific Quest

by P. Germanakos, M. Juhasz, A. Kongot, D. Marathe, & D. Sacharidis (Eds.)

This book focuses in the intersection of core research/scientific topics that relate to the process of human-centered AI following a hybrid creation and publication format. The first chapter is offered as a visual scientific quest (i.e., graphic novel) conveying the essence of computation and interaction with the human, and the remaining content as interrelated deep-dive textual chapters (described in more detail below).


The contents of this edited book are created as chapters inviting experts to author focused textual scientific contributions - complementing and linking to the visual chapter 1, for a deep-dive to the respective research topics and fields that frame human-centered AI. Accordingly, the audience will have the opportunity to consume its contents as (a) standalone chapters (conventional way), or (b) by engaging into a continues “seamless” reading experience driven by Chapter 1 – the Graphical Chapter (), with connection (trigger) points from the visual Break-stories (specialized visual sections ) to Deep-dive textual chapters () - see Figs. a and b below:

(a) Content consumed as standalone chapters

(b) Seamless reading experience from the visual chapter to the textual deep-dive chapters

The tentative structure and thematic topics of the book are mentioned below:

Illustrated Chapter:

Textual Chapters: