
Got a question about something you see or hear below?  Contact me to chat!

Informal Fraction Knowledge in 1st Grade Supports Later Math Achievement 

Slides from "Big Ideas for Little Kids" symposium at the Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society Conference, Loughborough, UK, June 2023.


Measuring and Supporting Proportional Reasoning: An Interdisciplinary Approach

Slides from Dissertation Defense, University of Wisconsin - Madison, June 2022


Building a more nuanced theory of the fractions-algebra connection: Insights from math education research.

Video of Symposium Organized for Math Cognition and Learning Society Conference, September 2021. Talk begins at 46:08.

Finding Math Everywhere

GIF highlights from Professional Development for 4K Teachers with Dr. Anna Bartel, Jan. 2021

Gesture and strategy use in nonsymbolic and symbolic fraction comparison

GIF poster presented for Math Cognition and Learning Society Conference , October 2020