


Fragmenting any Parallelepiped into a Signed Tiling. (2024)

Rotor-Routing Induces the Only Consistent Sandpile Torsor Structure on Plane Graphs. (2023)

Sampling planar tanglegrams and pairs of disjoint triangulations (2023)

Matching Complexes of Trees and Applications of the Matching Tree Algorithm. (2022)

A Combinatorial Mapping for the Higher-Dimensional Matrix-Tree Theorem. (2021)

Higher-Dimensional Sandpile Groups and Matrix-Tree Multijections. (2021)

Determining Genus From Sandpile Torsor Algorithms. (2021)


A Canonical Group-Like Structure on the Spanning Trees of a Plane Graph. (2024)

A Consistent Sandpile Torsor Algorithm for Regular Matroids. (2024)

Torsors and Tilings from Toric Toggling. (2023)

Realizable Standard Young Tableaux. (2023)

Combinatorial and Asymptotic Results on the Neighborhood Grid. (2020)