Marie Curie Experience

What did I do?

MADAM project: Material design (MAD) for additive manufacturing (AM).



Where did I do it?

I had the opportunity during 2018-2020 to join the wonderfull group of MMOF at the applied mathematics department CMAP  of  Ecole Polytechnique in Palaiseau, France. 

The MMOF group: 

The research group of "Mécanique, matériaux et optimisation de formes (MMOF)" was formed by amazing researchers like Grégoire Allaire, Samuel Amstutz, Benjamin Bogosel, Mathilde Boissier, Florian Feppon, Perle Geoffroy Donders, Matias Godoy and many others. 

We had great scienfitic discussions, weekly meetings and we shared many interesting personal expiriencies during lunch time, coffee braeaks and conferences.


The department of applied Mathematics, or in French "Centre de mathématiques appliquées" is an outstanding center both in the scientific and in the personal side. Seminars and courses were really interesting, not to mention the mathematical discussions that arise in the coffee room. I felt lucky to get surrounded by great mathematicians. 

École Polytechnique

L'X, the way French people refers to École Polytechnique, is considered the best École in France. You can feel the top research level just walking around and watching the ancient professors of the University: Lagrange, Cauchy, Schwartz, Fourier, Navier, Stokes, Lions.....among others. In addition, the cantine offers many good options at a reasonable price and the sport facilities are wonderful: it was really nice to play football with CMAP against other departments.

I am grateful to become part of the community of l'X. 

Cite Universitaire

Although l'X is placed in Palaisau, I lived in Cité Universitare in Paris. Even if I had to take every morning the crowded RerB, the CitéU is a perfect place for a researcher, specially at Collegue d'Espagne. I met wonderful people that will lay in my heart forever.


For someone comming from the mediterranen weather, Paris has a really rainy weather. However, the city is wonderful: full of museums, restaurants, activities. Food is delitious! Also the surrunders are great and offers incredible picnique-days! What a great expirience!

What did I learn?

In the scientific side, the training has been enourmes.  I learnt many technical aspects like:

I still work in the topic of topology optimization, but I feel now that I see the topic from a completely new perspective! As a researcher:  I fully recommend to have an abroad research expirience!

Finally, during this period I met many scientists and different researchers, I organized workshops and conference and I manged my own research project. Last but not least, I learnt French!! :) :) Voilà!!!!