

The Economics of Fairness (edited together with Bertil Tungodden). 2019. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Articles - published in international journals 

Acceptance of inequality between children: Large-scale experimental evidence from China and Norway, (co-authors: Bertil Tungodden, Ranveig Falch and Zhongjing Huang) forthcoming in Economic Journal.

Universalism: Global evidence, (co-authors: Bertil Tungodden and Benjamin Enke) forthcoming in American Economic Review.

Fairness and limited information: Are people Bayesian meritocrats?, (co-authors: Thomas de Haan and Bertil Tungodden) forthcoming in Journal of Public Economics. 

Cancel the deal? An experimental study on exploitation of irrational customers (co-authors: Bertil Tungodden, Stefan Meissner) forthcoming  in the Management Science.

The development gap in economic rationality of future elites, (co-authors: Bertil Tungodden, Shachar Kariv, and Erik Ø. Sørensen), in Games and Economic Behavior, 142: 866-878, 2023. 

Second-best fairness: The trade-off between false positives and false negatives, (co-authors: Bertil Tungodden and Cornelius Cappelen), in American Economic Review, 113 (9): 2458-85, 2023.

The merit primacy effect, (co-authors: Bertil Tungodden, Karl Ove Moene, and Siv-Elisabeth Skjelbred),in Economic Journal, Volume 133, Issue 651, Pages 951–970, April 2023. 

Exercise improves academic performance, (co-authors Gary Charness, Mathias Ekström, Uri Gneezy and Bertil Tungodden), forthcoming in Journal of Political Economy. 

A meritocratic origin of egalitarian behavior, (co-authors: Johanna Mollerstrom, Bjørn-Atle Reme, and Bertil Tungodden), Economic Journal, Volume 132, Issue 646, Pages 2101–2117, August 2022. 

Global evidence on the selfish rich inequality hypothesis, (co-authors: Ingvild Almås, Bertil Tungodden, and Erik Ø. Sørensen), Proceedings of the National Academy of the Sciences (PNAS),  119 (3), 2022.

Competitiveness, gender and handedness: a large-sample intercultural study, (co-authors: Thomas Buser, Uri Gneezy, Moshe Hoffman, and Bertil Tungodden), Economics and Human Biology, Volume 43, December 2021.

Understanding the resource curse: A large-scale experiment on corruption in Tanzania, (co-authors: Odd-Helge Fjeldstad, Donald Mmari, Ingrid Hoem Sjursen, and Bertil Tungodden),  Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization,183: 129-157, 2021

Solidarity and fairness in times of crisis, (co-authors Ranveig Falch, Erik Ø. Sørensen and Bertil Tungodden),  Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Volume 186, Pages 1-11, June 2021.

Choice and Personal Responsibility: What is a Morally Relevant Choice?, (co-authors Sebastian Fest, Erik Ø. Sørensen, and Bertil Tungodden), Review of Economics and Statistics, 104(5): 1-35, December 2020.

New chapter: Fair and unfair income inequality, (co authors Ranveig Falch and Bertil Tungodden), Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics, August 2020.

You’ve got mail: A randomized field experiment on tax evasion, (co-authors Kristina Bott, Erik Ø. Sørensen and Bertil Tungodden), 66(7): 2801-3294, July 2020.

The Effect of Early Childhood Education on Social Preferences, (co-authors John List, Anya Samek and Bertil Tungodden), Journal of Political Economy, 128(7): 2739-2758, 2020.

Teaching through television: Experimental evidence on entrepreneurship education in Tanzania, (co-authors Kjetil Bjorvatn, Linda Helgesson Sekei, Erik Ø. Sørensen and Bertil Tungodden), invited resubmission in Management Science, 66(6): 2291-2799, June 2020. 

Cutthroat capitalism versus cuddly socialism: Are Americans more meritocratic and efficiencyseeking than Scandinavians?, (co-authors Ingvild Almås and Bertil Tungodden), Journal of Political Economy, 128 (5): 1753-1788, 2020.  

The Development of Social Comparisons and Sharing Behavior Across 12 Countries, (co-authors Anya Samek, Jason Cowell, Bertil Tungodden, Yawei Cheng, Carlos Contreras-Ibanez, Natalia Gomez-Sicard, Maria Luz Gonzalez-Gadea, David Huepe, Agustin Ibanez, Professor Kang Lee, Susan Malcolm-Smith, Natalia Salas, Bilge Selcuk, Alina Wong, Xinyue Zhou,  and Jean Decety), Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 192(104778), 2020. 

Fairness in bankruptcy situations: An experimental study, (co-authors Roland Luttens, Erik Ø. Sørensen and Bertil Tungodden), Management Science, 65(6): 2445-2945, 2019. 

Fairness and the proportionality principle, (co-author Bertil Tungodden), Social Choice and Welfare, 49(3-4): 709-719, 2017. 

Moral appeals can help reduce tax evasion, (co-authors Kristina Bott, Erik Ø. Sørensen and Bertil Tungodden), Harvard Business Review, July 20, 2017. 

Is it OK to get paid more for being lucky?, (co-authors Ingvild Almås, and Bertil Tungodden), in Harvard Business Review, March 9, 2017. 

What explains the gender gap in college track dropout? Experimental and administrative evidence, (co-authors Ingvild Almås, Kjell G. Salvanes, Erik Ø. Sørensen and Bertil Tungodden), in American Economic Review (P&P), 106(5): 296-302, 2016. 

Face-saving or fair-minded: What motivates moral behavior?, (co-authors Trond Halvorsen, Erik Ø. Sørensen and Bertil Tungodden),  Journal of the European Economic Association, 15(3): 540-557, 2017. 

Willingness to compete: Family matters, (co-authors Ingvild Almås, Kjell G. Salvanes, Erik Ø. Sørensen and Bertil Tungodden), Management Science, 62(8): 2149-2162, 2016. 

Fairness is intuitive, (co-authors Ulrik H. Nielsen, Bertil Tungodden, Jean-Robert Tyran, Erik Wengström, Experimental Economics, 19(4): 727-740, 2016. 

Fairness and family background, (co-authors Ingvild Almås, Kjell G. Salvanes, Erik Ø. Sørensen and Bertil Tungodden), Politics, Philosophy and Economics, 16 (2):117-131, 2017.

Leadership and incentives, (co-authors Bjørn Atle Reme, Erik Ø. Sørensen and Bertil Tungodden), Management Science, 62(7):1944-1953, 2016.

Certification and socially responsible production, (co-author Tone Ognedal), Economics of Governance, 18(1): 71–84, February 2017.

Social preferences in the lab: A comparison of students and a representative population, (coauthors Knut Nygaard, Erik Ø. Sørensen and Bertil Tungodden), Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 117 (4): 1306-1326, 2015. 

Equity theory and fair inequality: A neuroeconomic study, (co-authors Tom Eichele, Kenneth Hughdahl, Karsten Specht, Erik Ø. Sørensen and Bertil Tungodden), Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 111 (43), 15368–15372, 2014. 

An experimental study of pro-social behavior among prisoners, (co-authors Sigbjørn Birkeland, Erik Sørensen and Bertil Tungodden), Experimental Economics, 17(4): 501-5011, 2014. 

Do non-enforceable contracts matter? Evidence from an international lab experiment, (co-authors Rune Jansen Hagen, Erik Ø. Sørensen and Bertil Tungodden), Review of Income and Wealth, 60(1): 100-113, 2014. 

When do we lie?, (co-authors Erik Ø. Sørensen and Bertil Tungodden),  Journal of Economic Behavior & Organizations, 93: 258-265, 2013. 

Just Luck: An Experimental Study of Risk Taking and Fairness, (co-authors James Konow, Erik Sørensen and Bertil Tungodden), American Economic Review, 103(4): 1398-1413, 2013. 

Give and Take in Dictator Games, (co-authors Ulrik Haagen Nielsen, Erik Ø. Sørensen, Bertil Tungodden and Jean-Robert Tyran), Economics Letters, 118(2): 280-283, February 2013.

Heterogeneity in fairness views: A challenge to the mutualistic approach?, (co-authors Bertil Tungodden), Brain and Behavioral Science, 36(1): 84-85, 2013. 

Needs versus entitlements— An international fairness experiment, (co-authors Karl Ove Moene, Erik Sørensen and Bertil Tungodden), in Journal of the European Economic Association, 11(3): 574-598, 2013. 

The importance of framing and self-reported data in a dictator game with production, (co-authors Astri Drange Hole, Erik Sørensen and Bertil Tungodden), in Social Choice and Welfare, 36(1): 105- 120, 2011. 

Measuring unfair inequality. Theory and evidence from Norwegian data, (co-authors Ingvild Almås, Jo Thori Lind, Erik Sørensen and Bertil Tungodden), Journal of Public Economics, 488-499, 2011.

Distributive interdependencies in liberal egalitarianism, (co-author Bertil Tungodden), Social Choice and Welfare, volume 36 (1): 35-47, 2011.

The pluralism of fairness ideals: An experimental approach, (co-authors Bertil Tungodden, Astri D. Hole and Erik Ø. Sørensen), American Economic Review, 97(3): 818–82, 2007.

Fairness and the development of inequality acceptance, (co-authors Ingvild Almås, Bertil Tungodden and Erik Ø. Sørensen), Science, 328 (5982): 1176–1178, 2010.

Disability Compensation and Responsibility, (co-author Ole F. Norheim and Bertil Tungodden), Politics, Philosophy and Economics, 9(4): 411–427, 2010.

The importance of moral reflection and self-reported data in a dictator game with production, (co-authors Bertil Tungodden, Astrid D. Hole, and Erik Ø. Sørensen), Social Choice and Welfare, 46(1): 105–120, 2011.

Disability Compensation and Responsibility, (co-author Bertil Tungodden), Politics, Philosophy and Economics, 9(4): 411–427, 2010.

Demand for childhood vaccination: Insights from behavioral economics, (co-authors Ottar Mæstad and Bertil Tungodden), Forum for Development Studies, 33(1): 349–364, 2010.

Fairness and the development of inequality acceptance, (co-authors Ingvild Almås, Erik Ø. Sørensen and Bertil Tungodden), Science, 328 (5982), 1176–1178, 2010.

Responsibility for what? Fairness and individual responsibility, (co-authors Erik Ø. Sørensen and Bertil Tungodden), European Economic Review, 54(3), 429–44, 2010.

Rewarding effort, (co-author Bertil Tungodden), Economic Theory, 39(3): 425–441, 2009. 

Genomics and equal opportunity ethics, (co-authors Ole Frithjof Norheim and Bertil Tungodden), Journal of Medical Ethics, 34(5): 361–364, 2008.

The pluralism of fairness ideals: An experimental approach, (co-authors Astri D. Hole, Erik Ø. Sørensen and Bertil Tungodden), American Economic Review, 97(3): 818–827, 2008.

Redistribution and marginal productivity reward, (co-author Bertil Tungodden), Research on Economic Inequality, 15: 1–6, 2007.

National responsibility and the just distribution of debt relief, (co-authors Rune Jansen Hagen and Bertil Tungodden), Ethics and International Affairs, 21(1): 69–83, 2007.  Also published in Dealing fairly with developing country debt, edited by Christian Barry and Barry Herman, Wiley-Blackwell, ch. 7, 2007.

Local autonomy and interregional equality, (co-author Bertil Tungodden), Social Choice and Welfare, 28(3): 443–460, 2007.

Relocating the responsibility cut: Should more responsibility imply less redistribution?, (co-author Bertil Tungodden), Politics, Philosophy and Economics, 3: 353–362, 2006.

A liberal egalitarian paradox, (co-author Bertil Tungodden), Economics and Philosophy, 22(3): 393–408, 2006.

Responsibility and reward, (co-author Bertil Tungodden), Finanzarchiv, 59: 120–140, 2003.