Major Research Grants

Research Centre of Excellence, The Research Council of Norway (The Centre for Experimental Research on Fairness, Inequality and Rationality).

Research grant from The Research Council of Norway, 2017 (Research Project: Understanding Paternalism”, NOK 11 million). 

Research Grant from NORFACE, 2014 (Research project: Fairness, personal responsibility and the welfare state, joint project leader with Bertil Tungodden. 1.5 mill Euro).

Research Grant from The Research Council of Norway, 2014 (Research Project: “The welfare state and fairness in markets”, NOK 11.2 million) 

Research Grant from the Norwegian Research Council, 2009 (Research project: Moral Preferences, Labor Markets and Welfare Policy, joint project leader with Bertil Tungodden. 9.6 mill NOK).

Research Grant from The Research Council of Norway, 2009 (PhD-project: Individual generosity and socio-economic characteristics, NOK 2.4 million). 

Research Grant from the Norwegian Research Council, 2007 (Research project: Responsibility, individual choice, and redistributive policy, joint project leader with Bertil Tungodden. 7.3 mill NOK)

Research Grant from the Norwegian Research Council, 2005 (Research project: A Liberal Egalitarian Approach to Disability, joint project leader with Bertil Tungodden and Ole F. Norheim. 0.9 mill NOK)

Research Grant from the Norwegian Research Council, 2002 (Research project: From circumstances to choice: Implications of the new genetics for social justice and health policy , joint project leader with Bertil Tungodden and Ole F. Norheim. 2.8 mill NOK)