
R Project (Statistical Software)

rseek rdocumentation

Contributed R packages: CRAN (overview, sorted by date) | R Forge | CRAN Upload | winbuilder | CRAN pretest

CRAN Task Views

CRANberries: New and updated packages on CRAN | github CRAN

Rtools: Building R packages for Windows

R Editors: RWinEdt | RStudio | Notepad++ (NpptoR)

R Ressources: Quick-R | R Seek | Rdocumentation |

Rcpp, RcppGallery, RcppArmadillo, Armadillo,

General Purpose Statistical Software / Bayesian Modeling

WinBUGS: Bayesian inference using Gibbs sampling | R2WinBUGS: Running WinBUGS from R

OpenBUGS: Open source version of WinBUGS | rbugs, R2OpenBUGS: Running OpenBUGS from R

JAGS: Just another Gibbs Sampler | R2jags, rjags and runjags: Running JAGS from R

NIMBLE: An R package for programming with BUGS models and compiling parts of R

BUGS examples

stan: C++ library for probability and sampling | Rstan

admb: AD model builder | admb IDE | Working with admb and R | admb examples

Running admb from within R: PBSadmb, R2admb

TMB: Template model builder

rcppbugs: C++ program for MCMC sampling | Cppbugs

PyMc: Bayesian analysis in Python

LaplacesDemon: General purpose Bayesian inference (fixed snapshot on Github;

LaplacesDemon seems to be disappeared, see link)

Item Response Models

R Packages

CRAN Task View Psychometrics

More R Packages: mlirt, cirt, irtoys, psych, eat, plfm, , bfa, sbgcop, multicon, dualScale, mirtCAT, ltbayes, poLCA, randomLCA, mixedMem, SparseFactorAnalysis, logisticPCA, svs, FMP, ordinal, KernSmoothIRT,

Other IRT Software

Latent Factor Models

ICL: IRT Command Language (B. Hanson)

NOHARM: McDonald's multidimensional normal ogive item response model

* Running NOHARM from R (in sirt)



Psychometrics in R (W. Revelle)

Software for Rasch Modeling

Missing Data

mice: Multiple imputation by chained equations (GitHub)

pan: Multiple imputation for hierarchical data

jomo: Multilevel joint modeling multiple imputation

Zelig: Statistical analysis for multiply imputed and matched data sets

SensMice: Sensitivity analysis under Missing Not At Random (MNAR) assumption in mice

More R Packages

Amelia, Hmisc::AregImpute, BaBooN, cat, mi, mitools, mix, norm, VIM, countimp, MissMech,NPBayesImpute, smcfcs, midastouch, MixedDataImpute, MixRF, norm2, imputeMulti,

Own R packages: miceadds,

Other Software Packages

REALCOM-Impute: Multilevel imputation


Multilevel Modeling

R Packages

Generalized linear mixed effects models: lme4, nlme, arm, LMERConvenienceFunctions

MCMCglmm: Bayesian generalized linear mixed effects models

Panel data models: plm, pglm

Generalized estimating equations (GEE): gee, geepack, yags

Cluster robust standard errors: rms::robcov, multiwaycov, clusterSEs

R-INLA: Integrated nested Laplace approximation in R

More R packages: amer, blme, gamm4, glmmAK, glmmadmb, glmmBUGS, HGLMMM, hglm, lmec, lmm,MEMSS, mlmRev, mlmmm, multilevel, regress, sabreR, mixcat, HLMdiag, minque, iccbeta, mixor, mbest,

Other Software Packages

aML: Multilevel, multiprocess models

MLA: Multilevel analysis for two levels

GENOVA: Generalizability theory (Variance component models)

MIXREG - MIXOR - MIXNO - MIXPREG: Mixed models for normal, ordinal and categorical data

Eugene Demidenko: Mixed Effects Models in R

Resources: GLMM FAQ,

Structural Equation Modeling

R Packages

Partial least squares path models: plspm, semPLS, matrixpls,

More R packages: semdiag, semGOF, semtools, semTools, simsem, SEMID, sparseSEM, MIIVsem, piecewiseSEM,

Other Software Packages

Mplus | MplusAutomation: Mplus wrapper from within R

Causal Inference

Matching Methods

MatchIt: Wide variety of matching algorithms

cem: Coarsed exact matching

optmatch: Optimal matching

twang: Weighting and analysis of nonequivalent groups

Matching: Multivariate and propensity score matching with balance optimization

nonrandom: Stratification and matching by the propensity score

CBPS: Covariate balancing propensity score

ebal: Entropy balancing

PSAgraphics: Graphics for propensity score analysis

Mediation Analysis

mediation: Causal mediation analysis

Sensitivity Analysis

obsSens: Sensitivity analysis for observational studies

SBSA: Simplied Bayesian sensitivity analysis

sensitivityPStrat: Principal stratification sensitivity analysis functions

Survey Analysis

R survey package (Homepage of T. Lumley) (on CRAN)

R packages: intsvy, svyPVpack, EVER, synthpop,

Own R packages: BIFIEsurvey,

CRAN Task View Survey Methodology

Latent Class Analysis & Mixture Modeling

Latent Gold

lem: Analysis of categorical data (J. Vermunt)

MDLV: MATLAB Toolbox - Models with Discrete Latent Variables for Analysis of Categorical Data

R packages: covLCA, poLCA, randomLCA, BayesLCA, Rmixmod, lcmm, depmix,

Graphical Modeling

CRAN Task View Graphical Modeling

R packages: pcalg, igraph,

State Space Models

MKFM6: Program for Multi-Subject State Space Modeling (C. Dolan)

DyFA: Dynamic factor analysis (M. Browne)

HLGSSM: Hierarchical state space approach (T. Lodewyckx)

Computer Algebra Systems

Sage: Mission: Creating a viable free open source alternative to Magma, Maple, Mathematica and Matlab.

Python Programming language | rPython

SymPy Python library for symbolic mathematics | rSymPy


Ryacas: on CRAN

SPSS Substitutes

PSPP as an SPSS replacement

ViewSav: Viewing SPSS files


Beamerclass Examples


Wetter Salzburg

Binnen-I be gone

Deutsche Bahn

Die Skeptiker