Not only have we not adapted our institutions to the new information space; we have not adapted our common knowledge. I´m here to help.

My mission is simple: To teach different groups in the society how the information warfare could alter their daily life and what could we do about it. Seniors, university students, politicians and journalists, military experts: all communities need to complement their present knowledge on information warfare in order to navigate the cognitive ship safely and protect their communities and beloved ones.

More about Alex

Published books


The Industry of Lies

(non-fiction on the history and presence of Russian propaganda)

published in Czech Republic, Publisher Triton


Feeding The Demons: The conquerors of America

fictional story on Russian malign influence in American elections

published in Czech and English language

Academic articles

Sep 29, 2020

The Industry of Lies During Cold War and Today: A Comparison of the method and context of disinformation campaigns Operation Infektion and Plandemic.

The (Post)Covid Era: The Middle Class in Focus, Lucie Tungul, ed., Prague 2020, ISBN: 978-80-88350-07-1. 46-48.

My latest book

Feeding The Demons

The January 6 insurrection did not happen over night. It was the result of twenty six years of precisely planned and executed military and criminal subversion.


The main protagonist of the book is Scott Brennan, who seems to be a spitting image of Steve Bannon's life story. Most of the other characters are inspired by real existing actors, who directly influenced the 2016 American elections and were directly involved. In addition, the story features some real characters, such as Vladimir Putin or two real chiefs of the Russian General Staff - as well as a few completely fictional characters. A fictional figure is also the Ukrainian student Oksana, whose dark fate is a metaphor for Russia's treatment of Ukraine and Ukrainian bravery and refusal to submission.

What some readers say about this novel (all reviews here)

I blasted through this book in a week. Really entertaining, but more so an enlightening look at the power and impact of disinformation and propaganda. I’d really recommend this book, far and wide. Would benefit from an edit (English translation) but that didn’t stop it from being a real page turner. (Alex Brown, author, Digital Marketing specialist)

It's the most thorough accounting of Russia/2016 ive seen yet, told in a way that wont let you put it down. I wish it was required reading...everybody would delete Facebook. (Rob Crompton)

Lire Feeding The Demons d’Alexandra Alvarova permet de comprendre les événements d’aujourd’hui. Comment le Kremlin, par tous les moyens, s’attaque à nos démocraties depuis des décennies. Les personnages que met en scène A. Alvarova œuvrent à la destruction du monde que nous connaissons pour l’argent, pour faire triompher leur idéologie, causant souffrance et chaos à l’échelle mondiale. Sans le moindre remord. Excellent roman inspiré par des faits et des personnages réels. (Marie Cast)


In the aftermath of the Velvet Revolution in Prague 1989, Alex gradually gained recognition as a journalist, a publicist, and an author of numerous essays and commentaries on current events, media theory, and foreign policy issues. Widely recognized for her ability to put complex events and developments in the proper context, in 1996 Alexandra took a position in political marketing and has worked in communications, political marketing and election-campaign management ever since. At the pinnacle of her career, in the aftermath of Russia 2013 hybrid-warfare invasion of the Czech Republic, after Brexit 2016 Alexandra relinquished her post in the European Parliament (Communication Adviser to the Chair of the Legislation Commitee) and, citing concerns for her children's future, relocated her family to Canada.

Here, in 2017 she wrote The Industry of Lies, a nonfiction work centered around a core concept: "Russia used the 2013 presidential election in the Czech Republic as a trial run to perfect its hybrid-warfare aggression for altering the outcome of the 2016 US Presidential elections”. Feeding the Demons, her second book is a dark spy thriller, which tells the story of an anti-hero, a talented propagandist, a dark character inspired by Steve Bannon.