Alex Possajennikov's Teaching

My teaching experience and interests include Microeconomics, Game Theory, Industrial Organization, Public Economics, Mathematical Methods, and Computational Economics. 

Current teaching and supervision

In 2023-2024 academic year, I am involved in teaching the following at the School of Economics of the University of Nottingham:

I also supervise UG and MSc dissertations.

Past teaching and supervision

At the School of Economics of the University of Nottingham:

I was involved in teaching the following modules:

Between 2003 and 2022 I supervised 28 MSc and 69 undergraduate dissertations to completion.

I (co)supervised the following PhD students to completion:

In May 2006, I gave a mini-course at the Ruhr Graduate School of Economics in Essen, Germany on:

In 2000-2001, I gave lectures on at the Doctoral Program "Resource Allocation, Economic Policy, and Collective Decisions" (Graduiertenkolleg "Allokationstheorie, Wirtschaftspolitik und kollektive Entscheidungen") at the Department of Business and Economics of the University of Dortmund (now TU Dortmund University), Germany on:

At CentER for Economic Research (now CentER Graduate School for Economics and Business), Tilburg University, the Netherlands I was a tutor (in 1997-1999) on the following courses of the Graduate Program in Economics: