Alex Possajennikov: Brief CV

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Education & Employment

I studied at the Department of Mechanics and Mathematics of Lomonosov Moscow State University (Russia) in 1988-1993, where I earned a degree in Mathematics.

Then I switched to Economics and entered the New Economic School in Moscow (Russia). There I obtained an M.A. degree in Economics in 1995.

After that I came to CentER for Economic Research (now CentER Graduate School for Economics and Business) at Tilburg University (the Netherlands) to continue my education in the Ph.D. program. I successfully defended my Ph.D. dissertation "Learning and Evolution in Games and Oligopoly Models", written under the supervision of Prof. Eric van Damme, in 2000. (Copies of the dissertation are available on request.)

I was a post-doc fellow at the Doctoral Program "Resource Allocation, Economic Policy, and Collective Decisions" (Graduiertenkolleg "Allokationstheorie, Wirtschaftspolitik und kollektive Entscheidungen") at the Department of Business and Economics of the University of Dortmund (now TU Dortmund University, Germany) for two years (1999-2001), and a post-doc researcher at the Special Research Center 504 "Rationality Concepts, Decision Behavior and Economic Modelling" (SonderForschungsBereich 504 "Rationalitaetskonzepte, Entscheidungsverhalten und oekonomische Modellierung") at the University of Mannheim (Germany) for one year (2001-2002).

In 2002-2012 I was a lecturer at the School of Economics at the University of Nottingham (Britain).

From August 2012 I am an assosiate professor at the same School of Economics, University of Nottingham, Britain.


See the Publications page for details of my publications.


I was a scientific committee member for the second "Norms, Actions, Games" (NAG) conference, held in Toulouse, France in June 2016.

I was involved, both as a scientific committee and as an organization committee member, in organizing the first "Norms, Actions, Games" (NAG) conference at King's College London, UK in April 2014.