Cognitive Science, Experimental Psychology, and Linguistics
Linguistic Methods and Research Questions (seminar for undergraduate students, Free University of Berlin; in German)
Language Function: Language(s), Words, and Concepts in the Brain (seminar for undergraduate students, Free University of Berlin; in German)
Experimental Psychological Training (ExPrak) (seminar for undergraduate and graduate students, University of Potsdam; in English)
General Linguistics (seminar for undergraduate students, Tomsk State University; in Russian)
Linguistics in the System of Natural Sciences (seminar for graduate students, Tomsk State University; in English)
Introduction to Applied Linguistics (lecture and seminar for undergraduate students, Tomsk State University; in Russian)
Statistics and Computational Linguistics
Linear mixed-effects modeling in R (workshop for graduate students, The Scuola Superiore (IUSS) Pavia; in English)
Linguistic Databases (lecture and seminar for undergraduate students, Tomsk State University; in Russian)
Corpus Linguistics (lecture and seminar for undergraduate students, Tomsk State University; in Russian)
Content Analysis (lecture and seminar for undergraduate and graduate students, Tomsk State University; in Russian)
Communication Science
Introduction to Communication Theory (seminar for undergraduate students, Tomsk State University; in Russian)
Advertising and PR (seminar for undergraduate students, Tomsk State University; in Russian)
Development of study programs
MSc Human Development: Genetics, Neuroscience, and Psychology (Tomsk State University): I participated in developing this program at its very initial stages by preparing official documents, including calculation of study hours for students, planning exams and internships, contacting and inviting lecturers, helping them with course planning, and preparing course evaluation forms and guidelines for students.
BA General and Applied Linguistics (Tomsk State University): I prepared and performed a survey aiming at understanding students' interests, profiles, sources of information about the program, expectations, and further career plans. I presented the results of the survey to my colleagues; these results were then used to improve the program. I also organized internships, contacted various organizations and institutions (Tomsk region administration, scientific laboratories, private language schools, scientific libraries, and translation agencies), and made official agreements with them in order to guarantee a wide range of internship options for students of the program.
MA Cognitive Linguistics (Tomsk State University): I organized internships, contacted various organizations and institutions (Tomsk region administration, scientific laboratories, private language schools, scientific libraries, and translation agencies), and made official agreements with them in order to guarantee a wide range of internship options for students of the program.
MSc/Ph.D. Cognitive Science – Embodied Cognition (University of Potsdam): I prepared guidelines for students which help them to write their master's theses and explain evaluation criteria used by reviewers/supervisors.
Supervision and co-supervision of theses
Francesco Belli, PhD thesis "The effects of interoceptive respiratory signals on human cognitive functions" (University of Potsdam, Germany, 2024)
Alexander Odebrecht, bachelor's thesis "Effects of Breathing on Word Processing" [Effekte der Atmung auf die Wortverarbeitung] [in German] (University of Potsdam, Germany, 2023)
Gwyneth Wagner, bachelor's thesis "Are There Reliable Individual Differences in Space-Time Associations?" (University of Potsdam, Germany, 2023)
Yura Kim, bachelor's thesis "Will You Swipe Me Right? How Face Orientation, Emotional Valence, and Response Mapping Associate with Swiping Evaluation" (University of Potsdam, Germany, 2023)
Katharina Klara Fritzi Weitzenegger, master's thesis "Promoting Mental Health and Fighting Stigma among Refugees from Ukraine: First Results from a Culturally Sensitive Web-Based Approach" (University of Potsdam, Germany, 2023)
Maria Ilona Maas, bachelor's thesis "Sensory-Processing Sensitivity - Relationship with Emotional Intelligence, Emotion Regulation Strategies, and Risk Taking in Social Context" [Sensory-Processing Sensitivity – Zusammenhang mit emotionaler Intelligenz, Emotionsregulationsstrategien und Risikobereitschaft im sozialen Kontext] [in German] (University of Potsdam, Germany, 2022)
Katharina Augustowsky, bachelor's thesis "Cognitive pupillary response in adaptive digit span tasks" [Kognitive Pupillenreaktion bei adaptiven Digit Span Aufgaben] [in German] (University of Potsdam, Germany, 2022)
Vanessa Kaufmann, master's thesis "Ocular Drift and the Mental Timeline: Does the association of time and space influence fixational eye movements?" (University of Potsdam, Germany, 2022)
Olesia Platonova, master's thesis "Activation of Perceptual Semantics in a Lexical Decision Task: An Experimental Study" [in Russian] (Tomsk State University, Russia, 2022)
Anastasia Krasnikova, master's thesis "The efficacy of online mindfulness training for increasing interoceptive sensitivity and intuitive eating in couples" [Die Wirksamkeit des Online-Achtsamkeitstrainings zur Steigerung der interozeptiven Sensitivität und des intuitiven Essens bei Paaren] [in German] (University of Potsdam, Germany, 2022)
Luka Kienbaum, bachelor's thesis "Effects of Power Posing on Performance and Risk-Taking - Direct State Induction in Field Hockey" (University of Potsdam, Germany, 2021)
Nikolay Dimitrov, bachelor's thesis "Mental Time Line and Grip Force" (University of Potsdam, Germany, 2021)
Mengxiao Wang, master's thesis "The Interference Effect of Manipulable Visual Stimuli in Language Comprehension" (University of Potsdam, Germany, 2021)
Luise Schulz, bachelor's thesis "Consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic and psychological stress in the general population in Germany" [Konsequenzen der COVID-19 Pandemie und psychische Belastung in der Allgemeinbevölkerung in Deutschland] [in German] (University of Potsdam, Germany, 2021)
Marie Swoboda, bachelor's thesis "Familiarity Effects on Retention Performance of New Word-Object Mappings in Shy Children" [Familiaritätseffekte auf die Behaltensleistung neuer Wort-Objekt Zuordnungen bei schüchternen Kindern] [in German] (University of Potsdam, Germany, 2020)
Reviewing of theses
Alina Minnigulova, master's thesis "Speech Perception During Visual Attention in Typically Developing Children and Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: An ERP Study" (Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia, 2022)
Julia Alyunina, Ph.D. thesis "Semantic and pragmatic functions of anglicisms in Russian and French fashion blogs" [Семантико-прагматические функции англицизмов в русских и французских блогах о моде] [in Russian] (Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, 2021)
Varvara Vasilenko, master's thesis "Common Space for Numbers and Time: Evidence from Priming" (The Higher School of Economics, Russia, 2021)
Reviewing of Ph.D. research proposals in the Doctoral Program of the Berlin School of Mind and Brain (Germany, 2020)
Anastasia Malyshevskaya, master’s thesis "Spatial Mapping of Temporal Semantics" (The Higher School of Economics, Russia, 2020)
Anna Gorbunova, bachelor's thesis "Gender aspect of a politician's metaphorical world image" [Гендерный аспект метафорической картины мира политического деятеля] [in Russian] (Tomsk State University, Russia, 2020)
Alina Vasilyeva, Ph.D. thesis "Cognitive processing of diminutives in Russian native speakers and Turkic-Russian bilinguals" [Когнитивная обработка диминутивов носителями русского языка как родного и тюркско-русскими билингвами] [in Russian] (Tomsk State University, Russia, 2020)
Angelina Borodina, master’s thesis "Functioning of verbal working memory in autistic population" [Функционирование вербальной рабочей памяти у лиц с аутизмом] [in Russian] (Tomsk State University, Russia, 2019)
Timur Mashanlo, Ph.D. thesis "Longitudinal study of native Russian speakers’ reading adaptation to a language with a logographic writing system" [Лонгитюдное исследование процесса адаптации носителей русского языка к чтению на языке с логографической системой письменности] [in Russian] (Tomsk State University, Russia, 2019)
Elizaveta Ivtushok, master’s thesis "Spatial-conceptual mapping in the representation of time and number" (The Higher School of Economics, Russia, 2018)