
Refereed Papers 

1.Statistical Properties of Fracture Precursors: A. Garcimartin, A. Guarino, L. Bellon and S. Cilberto, Physical Review Letters, 79 (1997) 3202

2.An Experimental Test of the Critical Behaviour of Fracture Precursors: A. Guarino, A. Garcimartin and S. Ciliberto, European Physical Journal B, vol 6, pp. 13-24 (1998)

3.The critical exponents of fracture precursors : A. Guarino, R. Scorretti, S. Ciliberto and  A. Garcimartin, Condensed Matter 99 06146, 10 Jun (1999)

4.Failure Time and Microcrack Nucleation : A. Guarino, A. Garcimartin, and S. Cilberto, Europhysics Letters 47  (4) 456-461 AUG 1999

5. Material failure time and the fiber bundle model with thermal noise: A. Guarino, R. Scorretti  and S. Ciliberto Cond. Matter 99 08329, 24-8 (1999) 

6.Disorder enhances the effects of thermal noise in the fiber bundle model : R. Scorretti, S. Ciliberto and A. Guarino.  Europhys. Lett., 55 (5), pp. 626–632  (2001)

7.Scaling properties of fracture precursors : A. Guarino, R. Scorretti, S. Ciliberto  and A. Garcimartin. Non Linéaire Publications, ISBN 2-9516773-0-8, (2001)

8.The effect of disorder on the fracture nucleation process: S. Ciliberto, A. Guarino, and  R. Scorretti. Physica D 158 (2001) 83–104

9.Failure time and critical behaviour of fracture precursors in heterogeneous materials : A. Guarino, S. Ciliberto, A. Garcimartín, M. Zei and R. Scorretti. European Physical Journal B 26, 141-151 (2002)

10.Thermally activated rupture in homogenous brittle materials : S. Santucci, L. Vanel, A. Guarino, R. Scorretti, and S. Ciliberto.  The Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry Vol 77, Suppl. 1 (2003)

11.Thermal activation of rupture and slow crack growth in a model of homogeneous brittle materials : S. Santucci, L. Vanel, A. Guarino, R. Scorretti, and S. Ciliberto.  Europhysics Letters Vol 62, 3 pp 320-326 (2003)

12.Failure time of elastic materials submitted to a constant load : R. Scorretti, S. Santucci, A. Guarino, L. Vanel and S. Ciliberto. Materials Physics and Mechanics, No 1,Vol 6 (2003)

13.Hexagonal pattern instabilities on a non-Boussinesq fluid in rotating Rayleigh-Bènard convection: Experimental results A.Guarino and V. Vidal. Physical review E vol 69 066311(2004)

14.Measurement of the giant non-linear response of dye-doped liquid crystals : S. McConville, D. Laurent, A. Guarino and S. Residori, American Journal of Physics, Vol 73, Issue 5, pp. 425-432 (2005)

15.Wave-particle interaction: from plasma physics to the free-electron laser A. Antoniazzi, G. De Ninno, D. Fanelli, A. Guarino and S. Ruffo. Journal of Physics Vol 7, 143-153 (2005)

16.Localized instability of a thin granular layer submitted to an ascending liquid flow. P. Rigord, A. Guarino, V. Vidal and J.-C. Geminard, Granular Matter, Vol 7, 4, November (2005)

17. Single Pass Free Electron Laser : the Reduced Hamiltonian. A. Antoniazzi, D. Fanelli, A. Guarino and S. Ruffo, Int Conf. on FEL, JACoW TUPP-010 (2005)

18.A new route to non invasive diagnosis in neurodegenerative disease?, T. Carletti, D. Fanelli and A. Guarino. Neurosciences Letters Vol. 394, Issue 3, pp. 252-255, (2006)

19.How to make an efficient propaganda, T. Carletti, D. Fanelli S. Grolli and A. Guarino. Europhys. Lett. 74(2), pp. 222-228 (2006)

20.Cooperative effect of load and disorder in thermally activated rupture of a two-dimensional random fuse network.  A. Guarino, R. Scorretti, L. Vanel,  and S. Ciliberto. J. of Stat. Mech P06020 (2006)

21.Two-mode competition in Faraday instability. S. Residori, A. Guarino and U. Bortolozzo. European Physical Letters Vol. 77 44003 (2007)

22.Atomic force microscopy images suggest aggregation mechanism in cerato-platanin. F. Sbrana, L. Bongini, G. Cappugi, D. Fanelli, A. Guarino, L. Pazzagli, A. Scala, M. Vassalli, C. Zoppi and B. Tiribilli. European Biophysics Journal, DOI:10.1007/s00249-007-0159 (2007)

23.Failure time, critical behaviour and activation processes in crack formation, S. Ciliberto, S. Deschane, A.Guarino, S. Santucci, R. Scorretti, L. Vanel, Earthquakes and Acoustic Emission, CRC Press, 978 04 154440 26, July (2007)

24.Dynamical affinity in opinion dynamics modeling. F. Bagnoli ,T. Carletti , D. Fanelli , A. Guarino and A. Guazzini,  Phys. Rev. E 76, 066105 (2007)

25. Birth and Death in a Continuous Opinion Dynamics Model. The consensus case. T. Carletti , D. Fanelli , A. Guarino and A. Guazzini, European Physical Journal B 64, 285-292 (2008)

26. Meet, Discuss and Trust each other: large versus small groups. T. Carletti, D. Fanelli, A. Guarino and  A. Guazzini. Wivace 08, World scientific (2008)

27. A New Solution for Sea Water Air Conditioning. A. Guarino, B. Garnier, D. Wary. Geothermal Energy C. 288-297, 2008

28. Dinamica dei piccoli gruppi: uno studio di simulazione. A. Guazzini, R. Lauro-Grotto,, T. Carletti, D. Fanelli, A. Guarino. C.N. Psicologia  Clinica e Dinamica, 978-886-129-2550 (2008)

29.Water Circulation and Transport in Polynesian’s Lagoons. A simple Versatile Model. A. Guarino and F. Bagnoli, Pacific Science I, 978-2-11-098964-2, (2010)

30. Réussir au « Cycle 2 Renforcé », C. Churie-Dupont, A. Guarino, Notes d’information de la DEPP,  09/11 (2011)

31. A model to evaluate the thermal conductivity of the coral reef in Tahiti. A. Guarino, Physics Research International, Vol 2011, 679175, (2011)

32.Thermally Activated Fracture of Porous Media. A. Guarino and S. Ciliberto, Eur. Phys. J. B 83, 215–221 (2011). Online version

33. Rapport de conjuncture 2011. P. Goudeau, A. Guarino et al.., CNRS Éditions, ISBN : 978-2-271-07263-4. (2011)

34. Les chiffres clés de l’enseignement primaire de Polynésie Française 2012. A. Guarino et C. Morhain.  Editions DEP, ISBN : 978-1-291-29923-6 (2012)

35. Un dispositif de soutien à la scolarisation ordinaire des élèves handicapés sensoriels et d’accompagnement des familles. P. Kerfour, A. Guarino, Notes d’information de la DEPP  03/12 (2012)

36. Rénover l’enseignement des sciences et de la technologie en Polynésie. A. Eberwein, A. Guarino, Notes d’information de la DEPP  09/12 (2012)

37. Interazione Plasma-Fascio di elettroni, Polysciences Edition, ISBN : 978-1291097122, (2012)

38. L’Etat de l’Ecole Primaire de Polynesie. A. Guarino et C. Morhain. Editions DEP, ISBN : 978-1-291- 43408-8 (2013)

39. La Population Scolaire de Polynésie Française. A. Guarino, M. Silveira. Editions DGEE ISBN : 978-1-326-15476-9 (2014)

40.Systèmes non-linéares hors-d’équilibre, A. Guarino, Editions universitaires europeennes ISBN : 978-3-8416-7996-3 ( 2015 )

41. Matière condensée : organisation et dynamique. E. Le Maire, A. Guarino et Al., CNRS Éditions, 2015. ­ISBN : 978-2-271-08613-6 (2015)

42. A  rain induced landslide 3D model based on molecular dynamics with fractal and fractional water diffusion. G. Martelloni, F. Bagnoli, A. Guarino, physics.geo-ph arxiv:1611.06167, (2016)

43. A Closed Loop See Water Air Conditioning, A. Guarino and B. Garnier, IEEE Sustainable Energy Technologies : ICSET 14-16 10 (2016)

44. Anomalous modes in Faraday instability, Scientific Research and Essays, Vol.12(1), pp. 1-8, 01/2017, DOI: 10.5897/SRE2016.6392 (2017)

45. A 3D model for rain-induced landslides based on molecular dynamics with fractal and fractional water diffusion. G. Martelloni, F. Bagnoli, and A. Guarino. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation (2017).

46. A hydrodynamics model to help prevent hypoxia of the fauna and flora in Polynesian’s Bays. A. Guarino. American Journal of Research Communication, 2018  6(1). (2018)

47. Improving Science Teaching in Primary Schools: FoCoSTEP, a French Experience of Training Support. A. Guarino, S. Marvilliers, G. Pacini, and F. Bagnoli. European Journal of Research on Education and Teaching (FORMAZIONE & INSEGNAMENTO. Rivista internazionale di Scienze dell’educazione e della formazione), 16(1), 241-250. (2018) : doi: 107346/-fei-XVI-01-18_19 (2018)

48. La FoCoSTEP de l’Université de la Réunion : Un Dispositif intégré au processus alternatif de professionnalisation des futurs enseignants du premier degré. S. Marvilliers, A. Guarino and M. Berne. Grand N, Revue de mathématiques, de sciences et technologie pour les maîtres de l’enseignement primaire. 2017 (2017)

49. Teaching Physics by Magic. F. Bagnoli, A. Guarino and G. Pacini. Physics Education, vol. 54, no 1, p. 015025 (2019).

50. Paced breathing in the classroom, what about its implication in school inclusion? M Vauthier, D O’hare, A Guarino, ML Bardy. La nouvelle revue. Éducation et société inclusive, 85, 04-2019 (2019)

51. A mathematical model of Collective Intelligence F Stefanelli, E Imbimbo, T Carletti, A Guarino, F Burette, A Guazzini. Advancing Computing as a Science & Profession 06/2019  (2019)

53. I benefici di una pratica regolare di coerenza cardiaca: risultati di uno studio preliminare condotto nelle scuole primarie francesi dell’isola della Riunione. M Vauthier, A Guarino, F Stefanelli. Formazione & Insegnamento: European Journal of Research on Education and … (2019)

54. Problem Solving: When Groups Perform Better Than Teammates. Timoteo Carletti, Alessio Guarino, Andrea Guazzini, Federica Stefanelli. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, Vol 23 Issue 3, 2020 (2020)

55. « L’entretien heuristique » en pratique éducative auprès d’enseignants. Michaël Vauthier, Luc Verhille, Alessio Guarino. Éducation, Santé, Sociétés, Editions des archives contemporaines, 2019, Education et prévention en santé: quels liens avec les inégalités sociales, l’équité, la citoyenneté et les solidarités ?, 6 (1), pp.183-204.

56. Effets d’une pratique respiratoire en gestion de classe : développer du bien-être au service des apprentissages. Michael Vauthier, Alessio Guarino. Congrès de la Société Suisse de recherche en Education, Université de Lausanne, Lausanne, Suisse, 2022/9. (2022)

57. How to fairly share a watermelon. Timoteo Carletti, Duccio Fanelli, Alessio Guarino. Physics Education, IOP Publishing, 2021, 56 (1), pp.015010. ⟨10.1088/1361-6552/abc4dc⟩ (2021)

58. La cohérence cardiaque, testée et approuvée. Michaël Vauthier, David O’hare, Alessio Guarino.  Les Cahiers Pédagogiques, Service d’édition et de vente des publications de l’Education nationale, 2022, pp.50-51 (2022)

59. Does a kilogram of lead weigh more than a kilogram of straw? Timoteo Carletti, Alessio Guarino, Duccio Fanelli  Giornale di Fisica 63 (3), 219-231, 2022, (2022)

60. Managing emotional resources through a breathing practice at school, issues, and perspectives in education. M Vauthier, D O’Hare, A Guarino, Conference on Multidisciplinary Research (MyRes), 388 (2022)

N.B. : Confidential studies and reports for the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are not mentioned.

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Conferences and workshops proceedings

1.Précurseurs de fracture dans des milieux hétérogènes. A. Guarino, A. Guarcimartin, S. Ciliberto, Proceeding des Journées Simulation Numerique, Matière Condenséee et Désordre, Interface Simulation/Expérience, 25-26 may 1998, Paris, France.

2.Material failure time and the fiber bundle model with thermal noise: A. Guarino, R. Scorretti  and S. Ciliberto Cond. Matter 9908329 24 Aug 1999

3.Scaling properties of fracture precursors : A. Guarino, R. Scorretti, S. Ciliberto  and A. Garcimartin. Proceeding of the  » 4ème Rencontre du non Linéaire « , Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, France (2001). Non Linéaire Publications, ISBN 2-9516773-0-8, EAN 9782951677302.

4.The Role of Disorder and Thermal Noise on Delayed Fracture in the Fiber Bundle Model. Riccardo Scorretti, Sergio Ciliberto and Alessio Guarino. Compte rendu des 7emes Journées Simulation Numérique, Matière Condensée et Désordre et deuxième École simulation en Matière Condensée, 31 may-1 juin 2001, Paris, France.

5. A numerical model to evaluate the thermal structure in the coral reef in Papeete (Tahiti) : K. Maamaatuaiahutapu, A. Guarino . Proceeding des 8emes Journées Simulation Numérique, Matière Condensée et Désordre, 27-28 may 2002, Paris, France.

6.Thermally activated rupture in homogenous brittle materials Santucci S, Vanel L, Guarino A, Scoretti R, Ciliberto S. Proceeding of the 14th International Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics/2nd International Workshop on Nucleation and Nonlinear Problems in First-Order Phase Transitions St. Petersburg, Russia, 01-05 July 2002, Interperiodica, ISSN: 0036-0244, IDS Number: 705QW (2002).

7.See water air conditioning: a new solution for middle sized structures. B. Garnier, A. Guarino and D. Wary. Proceeding of the 2th International Conference on Ocean Energy, Brest, France, 15-17 October 2008.

8.Circulation lagunaire dans la baie de PaoPao (Moorea). A. Guarino, Franco Bagnoli.  Compte rendu des 11ème Inter-congrès des Sciences du Pacifique et 2emes Assises de la Recherche française dans le Pacifique, 2009

9.Granular and bacterial motors. A. Guarino, proceeding de: 11th Experimental Chaos and Complexity Conference, Lille, 1-4 Juin, 2010.

10. Subrcritical Fracture of Porous Media. A. Guarino, proceedings de 30th Annual International Conference on Nonlinear Dynamics, 2011

11.A rain induced landslide 3D model based on molecular dynamics with fractal and fractional water diffusion. » G. Martelloni, F. Bagnoli, and A. Guarino.  Computational Physics arxiv:1611.06167 (2016).

12. Kaiser effect in porous materials, 8th Int. Conf. on Multiscale Materials Modeling, Dijon, France, 9-14/10 (2016).

13. La FoCoSTEP à l’ESPE de la Réunion : un dispositif innovant intégré au processus alternant de professionnalisation de futurs enseignants du premier degré. Colloque international vers une Societé Inclusive Diversités de formations et de pratiques innovantes. Reunion Island and Mayotte. 22-24 October 2018.

14. Teaching experimental physics with smartphones, an experience in Reunion Island, A. Guarino,  GIREP-ICPE-EPEC-MPTL 2019 Conference (2019).

15. A mathematical model of Collective Intelligence F. Stefanelli, E. Imbibo, T. Carletti, A. Guarino, Guazzini. Advancing Computing as a Science & Profession : Collective Intelligence. Pittsburgh 13-15 June 2019

Conferences and workshops contributions  :

1.Précurseurs de fracture dans des milieux hétérogènes. (Oral presentation). A. Guarino, A. Guarcimartin, S. Ciliberto. Journées Simulation Numerique, Matière Condenséee et Désordre, Interface Simulation/Expérience, Paris, France. 25-26 mai 1998

2.Scaling properties of fracture precursors. (Oral presentation). A. Guarino, R. Scorretti, S. Ciliberto  and A. Garcimartin. 4ème Rencontre du non Linéaire, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, France, Avril (2001).

3.The Role of Disorder and Thermal Noise on Delayed Fracture in the Fiber Bundle Model. (Oral presentation). R. Scorretti, S. Ciliberto and A. Guarino. 7emes Journées Simulation Numérique, Matière Condensée et Désordre et deuxième École simulation en Matière Condensée, Paris, France. 31 mai-1 juin 2001

4.The thermal structure in the coral reef in Papeete. (Poster). K. Maamaatuaiahutapu and A. Guarino, 2002 Ocean Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, 11-15 February 2002

5.A numerical model to evaluate the thermal structure in the coral reef in Papeete (Tahiti). (Oral presentation). A. Guarino and K. Maamaatuaiahutapu, 8emes Journées Simulation Numérique, Matière Condensée et Désordre, Paris, 27-28 mai 2002.

6.Thermally activated rupture in homogenous brittle materials. (Oral presentation). S. Santucci, L. Vanel, A. Guarino, R. Scoretti, S. Ciliberto. 14th International Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics/2nd International Workshop on Nucleation and Nonlinear Problems in First-Order Phase Transitions, St. Petersburg, Russia, 01-05 Juillet 2002

7.Seeking Hopf Bifurcation in rotating Rayleigh-Bénard convection: an experimental approach. (Oral presentation). A. Guarino. 56th meeting of the American Physical Society, Meadowlands, NJ, USA, 23-25 November 2003

8.Localized instability of a thin granular layer (Poster). A. Guarino, P. Rigord, V. Vidal, J.C. Geminard. 8th Experimental Chaos Conference, Florence Italy, 14-17 Juin 2004

9.A vibrating set-up for studying the dynamics of granular media. (Poster). B.Tiribilli, F.Bagnoli, M.Vassalli, A.Guarino, M.D’Uva. MMD Meeting, Genova, Italy, 22-25 Juin 2005

10.Failure time, critical behaviour and activation processes in crack formation. (Oral presentation). S. Ciliberto, S. Deschane, A.Guarino, S. Santucci, R. Scorretti, L. Vanel. 11th International Conference on Fracture, Turin, Italy, 20-25 March  2005

11.Instability of a granular layer submitted to an ascending liquid flow. (Oral presentation). A. Guarino, P. Rigord, J.C. Geminard and V. Vidal, Granular Matter: Mathematical Modeling and Physical Instances, Reggio Calabria, Italy, 26-29 Juin 2005

12.Single pass Free Electron Laser:The reduced Hamiltonian. (Poster). A. Antoniazzi. G Deninno, D. Fanelli, A. Guarino, S. Ruffo. 2005 Free Electron Laser Conference, Standford, California, USA, 21-26 Août 2005

13.Model of Cerato-Platanin aggregation by atomic force microscopy images. (Poster). C. Zoppi, L. Pazzagli, F. Sbrana, D. Fanelli, A. Guarino, B. Tiribilli , G. Cappugi Conference : proteine 2006, Novara , Italy, 01-03 Juin 2006

14.AFM images suggest aggregation mechanism in Cerrato-Platanin. (Poster). F. Sbrana, L. Bongini, G. Cappugi, L.Carraresi, D. Fanelli, A.Guarino, B. Pantera, L.Pazzagli, B. Tiribilli, M. Vassalli and C. Zoppi. XVIII Congresso Nazionale della Societa’ Italiana di Biofisica Pura e Applicata (S.I.B.P.A.) , Palermo, Italy, 17 – 21 Settembre 2006

15.Modélisation de la circulation dans la Baie de Paopao (Moorea, Polynésie française). (Oral presentation). A. Guarino, F. Bagnoli and L. Cappietti. 13emes Journées Simulation Numérique, Matière Condensée et Désordre, Paris, 7-8 Juin 2007

16.Cognitive dissonance theory in an opinion dynamics model. (Poster). F. Bagnoli ,T. Carletti , D. Fanelli , A. Guarino and A. Guazzini. European Conference on Complex Systems – Dresden, Germany, 1-5 October 2007

17.Meet, Discuss and Trust each other: large versus small groups. (Oral presentation). T. Carletti , D. Fanelli , A. Guarino and A. Guazzini. Workshop Wivace 2008 : Artificial life and evolutive computation, Venice, Italy, 8-10 September 2008.

18.Dynamics of small groups: A numerical simulation. (Oral presentation). A.Guazzini, R. Lauro-Grotto, T. Carletti, D. Fanelli, A. Guarino. AIP Clinico Dinamico, Padova, Italy,12 September 2008.

19.Sea water air conditioning: a new solution for middle sized structures.  (Oral presentation). B. Garnier, A. Guarino and D. Wary. 2th International Conference on Ocean Energy, Brest, France 15-17 October 2008.

20.High Efficiency Immerged Heat Exchangers.  (Poster). A. Guarino, B. Garnier. New Zealand Geothermal Association Workshop, Taupo, New Zealand, 11-13 November 2008.

21.Water Circulation and Transport in Polynesian’s Lagoons. A simple Versatile Model. (Poster)  A. Guarino, Franco Bagnoli. 11ème Inter-congrès des Sciences du Pacifique et 2emes Assises de la Recherche française dans le Pacifique, du 02 au 06 mars 2009, à Tahiti – Polynésie française.

22. Granular and bacterial motors. A. Guarino, (Poster) : 11th Experimental Chaos and Complexity Conference, Lille, 1-4 Juin, 2010.

23.Subrcritical Fracture of Porous Media. A. Guarino, (Poster)  30th Annual International Conference on Nonlinear Dynamics, 2011

24.Kaiser effect in porous materials, 8th Int. Conf. on Multiscale Materials Modeling, Dijon, France, 9-14 October 2016.

25. La FoCoSTEP à l’ESPE de la Réunion : un dispositif innovant intégré au processus alternant de professionnalisation de futurs enseignants du premier degré. Colloque international vers une Societé Inclusive Diversités de formations et de pratiques innovantes. Reunion Island and Mayotte. 22-24 October 2018.

26. Teaching experimental physics with smartphones, an experience in Reunion Island, A. Guarino,  GIREP-ICPE-EPEC-MPTL 2019 Conference (2019).

27. A mathematical model of Collective Intelligence F. Stefanelli, E. Imbibo, T. Carletti, A. Guarino, Guazzini. Advancing Computing as a Science & Profession : Collective Intelligence. Pittsburgh 13-15 June 2019