Education :

Laurea (Master) in Physics : 1996, University of Florence, Italy / Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France

PhD in Physics : 1999, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France

HDR (*) : 2007, University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, France.

Institutions where I am or I have been working :

• Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon

• University of California at Santa Barbara, USA

• University of French Polynesia

• Aix-Marseille University

• Government of French Polynesia

• University of Reunion Island

Embassy of France in New Zealand

Embassy of France in the United States

Administrative Responsibilities I have or I had

   •  Attaché for Science and Technology at the Embassy of France in the United States

  • Science and Higher Education Attaché and in charge of Sport at the Embassy of France in New Zealand

• Head of the Faculty of Science of the University of French Polynesia

• Head of the Statistical, Evaluation and Performance Measurement (DEPP) of the French Polynesian Educational System office. Government of French Polynesia

• Member of National Evaluation Committee the French Research National Council (CoNRS)

• Member Administration Council of the University of French Polynesia