Alessio Azzutti, LL.M. (Utrecht)

1988, ITALY - To be defined

A globally-minded, multi-disciplinary scholar at the intersection of Finance, Law, and Technology.

My academic journey has already taken me to several leading institutions worldwide, reflecting a deep commitment to cultural and professional development through international exposure and the advancement of a global perspective in my work.

I am currently a Lecturer in Law & Technology (FinTech) at the University of Glasgow. Prior to this, I was a Research Associate at the Centre for Banking & Finance Law (CBFL) at the National University of Singapore and in the 'Law, Finance and Technology' programme at the Institute of Law & Economics in Hamburg, Germany. 

My academic credentials include an LL.M. in Law and Economics from Utrecht University in the Netherlands and an M.Sc. in Finance and Risk Management from the University of Florence in Italy. On 20 June 2024, I successfully defended my Doctoral dissertation ('cum laude') at the University of Hamburg. 

My current research focuses on the implications of innovative technologies, particularly Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its subfield of Machine Learning, for finance, financial regulation, and financial supervision. Additionally, I am exploring the relationship between AI and illegal markets from a socio-economic perspective.  More broadly, I am interested in topics related to digitalisation and AI adoption in society. I am proud to have authored to several publications and presentations on these subjects, and I am excited to continue contributing to the scientific community and society.

Outside of my academic life, I love wandering around historical spots, enjoying traditional and authentic food, absorbing and rejoicing in the brightness of the Sun, and many other things.