AI, ML, and market manipulation regulation

The PhD project investigates the economic and ethical-legal implications arising from the use of AI, particularly ML, in algorithmic trading. It examines how ML-powered trading tools are used by industry players, and how they affect the stability and integrity of capital markets. Additionally, the project explores how law and regulation should respond to address such issues.

Research output

Publication on the University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Law: 'Machine Learning, Market Manipulation and Collusion on Capital Markets: Why the "Black Box Matters"' (2021)

Publication on the Computer Law & Security Review: 'AI trading and the limits of EU law enforcement in deterring market manipulation' (2022)

Book Chapter, 'The Algorithmic Future of EU Market Conduct Supervision: A Reality Check', in the Edited Book by the EBI Young Researchers Group (2023)

Book Chapter, 'Regulating AI Trading from an AI Lifecycle Perspective', in the Edited Book by N. Remolina & A. Gurrea-Martinez (2023)

AI-driven Banking Supervision

Within the scope of the LFT programme, the project aims to explore the institutional and legal implications of using Machine Learning and Data Analytics methods and techniques in the prudential supervision of EU banks. The project has been honoured with the ECB Legal Research Programme 2022 and is entrusted to work on the future of AI-driven EU banking supervision.

UPDATE (April 2023)

The EBI Working Paper, 'Navigating the Legal Landscape of AI-Enhanced Banking Supervision: Protecting EU Fundamental Rights and Ensuring Good Administration', is now available free of charge on SSRN.

Past Contributions and Work in Progress