Journal articles



When the Rain Stops Falling. Effects of Droughts on the Tunisian Labour Market.

Journal of African Economies, with Giacomo Pallante, Federica Alfani, Abdelkader Talhaoui

Beyond Birth: The Medium-Term Health Impact of Prenatal Exposure to Air Pollution.

Journal of Environmental Economics & Management, with Chiara Serra, Simone Marco Ferro, Massimo Stafoggia


Job displacement and reallocation failure. Evidence from climate shocks in Morocco.

European Review of Agricultural Economics  with Federica Alfani, Giacomo Pallante, Vasco Molini

Regional technological diversification and the global network of embodied R&D: evidence from the exposure of European regions.

Regional Studies  with Chiara Burlina, Fabrizio Fusillo, Sandro Montresor


Health Status and the Great Recession. Evidence from Electronic Health Records.

Health Economics,  with Federico Belotti, Joanna Kopinska and Andrea Piano Mortari

Prenatal Air Pollution Exposure and Neonatal Health.

Health Economics,  with Daniela Vuri and Inna Petrunyk


Mobility in times of pandemics: evidence on the spread of Covid19 in Italy's labour market areas.

Structural Change & Economic Dynamics, with Andrea Ascani, Alessandra Faggian, Sandro Montresor

When Particulate Matter Strikes Cities. Social Disparities and Health Costs of Air Pollution.

Journal of Health Economics, with Joanna Kopinska and Matilde GiccheriniIn the media:

Labor market effects of dirty air: evidence from administrative data.

Economia Politica, with Joanna Kopinska and Edoardo Di Porto


Distributional Impacts of Soil Erosion on Agricultural Productivity and Welfare in Malawi.

Ecological Economics 177(2020), with Giacomo Pallante and Solomon Asfaw


Diversification strategies and adaptation deficit: evidence from rural communities in Niger.

World Development 101C (2018) pp. 219-234, with Solomon Asfaw and Giacomo Pallante


Improving the Efficiency Targeting of Malawi's Farm Input Subsidy Programme: Big Pain, Small Gain?

Food Policy 73, pp. 104-118, with Solomon Asfaw, Giacomo Pallante and Andrea Cattaneo

Technology invention and adoption in residential energy consumption: A stochastic frontier approach.

Energy Economics, vol. 66, pp. 85-98, with Giovanni Marin

Characterizing the policy mix and its impact on eco-innovation: A patent analysis of energy-efficient technologies.

Research Policy. vol. 46(4), pp. 799-819, with Valeria Costantini and Francesco Crespi


Mapping energy-efficiency technological advances in home appliances.

Energy Efficiency Journal, vol 10(3), pp. 693-716, with Nicolò Barbieri



Analyzing Trade-offs in International Climate Policy Options: The Case of the Green Climate Fund. 

World Development, vol. 74(C), pp. 93-107, with Anil Markandya, Valeria Costantini, Alessandro Antimiani et al.