
Riemann surfaces – ETHZ – Spring 2024

Lectures. Thursdays 16:15–18:00, HG D 5.2. The first lecture is on Thursday, February 22, 2024.

Office hours. By appointment (office HG J 43). Absence periods: June 7–14, July 1–14, July 29–Aug 2.

Course description. The course will be a first introduction to Riemann surfaces. These are beautiful objects that sit at the intersection of algebra, geometry, and analysis. We will aim to cover the theorems of Riemann–Hurwitz and Riemann–Roch, as well as the basics of Hurwitz theory. Time permitting, we may delve into additional subjects such as abelian integrals and the Abel–Jacobi theorem. 

Prerequisites. Theory of functions of one complex variable, basics of topology. Familiarity with the theory of smooth manifolds and algebraic topology would be useful, but not necessary. 


Course log.

A brief description of each lecture's content, together with some notes, will appear here.

Notes of the course.

Exam. The exam is a 20 minute oral exam. Dates: August 6–7, 2024
The first question on your exam will be chosen randomly from this collection of questions.

A nice video hinting at some of the points explained in the lectures.

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