
12. Symmetries of F-cohomological field theories and F-topological recursion, with G. Borot, G. Umer


We define F-topological recursion (F-TR) as a non-symmetric version of topological recursion, which associates a vector potential to some initial data. We describe the symmetries of the initial data for F-TR and show that, at the level of the vector potential, they include the F-Givental (non-linear) symmetries studied by Arsie, Buryak, Lorenzoni, and Rossi within the framework of F-manifolds. Additionally, we propose a spectral curve formulation of F-topological recursion. This allows us to extend the correspondence between semisimple cohomological field theories (CohFTs) and topological recursion, as established by Dunin-Barkowski, Orantin, Shadrin, and Spitz, to the F-world. In the absence of a full reconstruction theorem à la Teleman for F-CohFTs, this demonstrates that F-TR holds for the ancestor vector potential of a given F-CohFT if and only if it holds for some F-CohFT in its F-Givental orbit. We turn this into a useful statement by showing that the correlation functions of F-topological field theories (F-CohFTs of cohomological degree 0) are governed by F-TR. We apply these results to the extended 2-spin F-CohFT. Furthermore, we exhibit a large set of linear symmetries of F-CohFTs, which do not commute with the F-Givental action.

11. Length spectrum of large genus random metric maps, with S. Barazer, M. Liu


We study the length of short cycles on a uniformly random metric map (also known as ribbon graph) of large genus using a Teichmüller theory approach. We establish that, as the genus tends to infinity, the length spectrum converges to a Poisson point process with an explicit intensity. This result extends the work of Janson and Louf to the multi-faced case.

10. Resurgent large genus asymptotics of intersection numbers, with B. Eynard, E. Garcia-Failde, P. Gregori, D. Lewanski


We present a novel approach for computing the large genus asymptotics of intersection numbers. Our strategy is based on a resurgent analysis of the n-point functions of such intersection numbers, which are computed via determinantal formulae, and relies on the presence of a quantum curve. With this approach, we are able to extend the recent results of Aggarwal for Witten–Kontsevich intersection numbers with the computation of all subleading corrections, proving a conjecture of Guo–Yang, and obtain new results on r-spin and Theta-class intersection numbers. 

9. The spin Gromov–Witten/Hurwitz correspondence for ℙ¹, with R. Kramer, D. Lewanski, A. Sauvaget


We study the spin Gromov–Witten (GW) theory of ℙ¹. Using the standard torus action on ℙ¹, we prove that the associated equivariant potential can be expressed by means of operator formalism and satisfies the 2-BKP hierarchy. As a consequence of this result, we prove the spin analogue of the GW/Hurwitz correspondence of Okounkov–Pandharipande for ℙ¹, which was conjectured by J. Lee. Finally, we prove that this correspondence for a general target spin curve follows from a conjectural degeneration formula for spin GW invariants that holds in virtual dimension 0.

8. Relations on the moduli space of stable curves and the negative r-spin Witten conjecture, with N.K. Chidambaram, E. Garcia-Failde


We construct and study various properties of a negative spin version of the Witten r-spin class. By taking the top Chern class of a certain vector bundle on the moduli space of stable twisted spin curves, we construct a non-semisimple cohomological field theory that we call the Theta class Θʳ. This CohFT does not have a flat unit and its associated Dubrovin–Frobenius manifold is nowhere semisimple. Despite this, we construct a semisimple deformation of the Theta class, and using the Teleman reconstruction theorem, we obtain tautological relations on the moduli space of stable curves. We further consider the descendant potential of Θʳ and prove that it is the unique solution to a set of W-algebra constraints, which implies a recursive formula for the descendant integrals. Using this result for r=2, we prove Norbury's conjecture which states that the descendant potential of the Theta class coincides with the Brézin–Gross–Witten tau function of the KdV hierarchy. Furthermore, we conjecture that the descendant potential of the Θʳ is the r-BGW tau function of the r-KdV hierarchy and prove the conjecture for r=3. 

7. Shifted Witten classes and topological recursion, with S. Charbonnier, N.K. Chidambaram, E. Garcia-Failde

[arXiv] [Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.]

We show that the R-matrix and the translation of the shifted Witten classes can be constructed from the solutions of two differential equations that generalise the classical Airy differential equation. Using this, we prove that the descendant intersection theory of the shifted Witten classes satisfies topological recursion on two 1-parameter families of spectral curves and, by taking the limit as the parameter goes to zero, we prove that the descendant intersection theory of the Witten r-spin class is computed by topological recursion on the r-Airy spectral curve. We finally show that this proof suffices to deduce Witten's r-spin conjecture. 

6. An intersection-theoretic proof of the Harer–Zagier formula, with D. Lewanski, P. Norbury

[arXiv] [Algebraic Geom.]

We provide an intersection-theoretic formula for the Euler characteristic of the moduli space of smooth curves. This formula reads purely in terms of Hodge integrals and gives a new short proof of the Harer–Zagier formula. Our result is based on the Gauss–Bonnet formula, and on the observation that a certain parametrisation of the Chiodo class provides the Chern class of the log tangent bundle to the moduli space of smooth curves. 

5. Around the combinatorial unit ball of measured foliations on bordered surfaces, with G. Borot, S. Charbonnier, V. Delecroix, C. Wheeler

[arXiv] [Int. Math. Res. Not.]

We study the Lᴾ-integrability of the unit ball's volume of the space of measured foliations on a fixed bordered surface, equipped with an embedded metric ribbon graph. Such volume, studied for the first time by Mirzakhani in the hyperbolic context, appears as the prefactor of the polynomial growth of the number of multicurves. Surprisingly, we found that the maximal p for which the p-norm is finite depends on the topology of the underlying surface, in contrast with the hyperbolic setting where square-integrability has recently been proved. 

4. A new spin on Hurwitz theory and ELSV via theta characteristic, R. Kramer and D. Lewanski


We study spin Hurwitz numbers, which count ramified covers of the Riemann sphere with a sign coming from a theta characteristic. These numbers are known to be related to the representation theory of the Sergeev group and the Fock space of type B, from which we derive polynomiality properties of these numbers and we derive a spectral curve which we conjecture computes spin Hurwitz numbers via a new type of topological recursion. We prove that this conjectural topological recursion is equivalent to an ELSV-type formula, expressing spin Hurwitz numbers in terms of the Chiodo class twisted by the 2-spin Witten class. 

3. On the Kontsevich geometry of the combinatorial Teichmüller space, with J.E. Andersen, G. Borot, S. Charbonnier, D. Lewanski and C. Wheeler


We use a combinatorial model for the Teichmüller space to give global Darboux coordinates for the Kontsevich symplectic form on the moduli space of metric ribbon graphs.  We then illustrate how this fits into the framework of geometric recursion, and prove a Mirzakhani–McShane type identity. We further construct an analogue to the Mirzakhani function, which can be explicitly described on the combinatorial moduli space and gives rise to Masur–Veech volumes of the principle stratum of the moduli space of quadratic differentials. 

2. An appendix for Masur–Veech volumes and intersection theory, the principal strata of quadratic differentials. Work by D. Chen, M. Möller, A. Sauvaget. The appendix is a joint work with G. Borot and D. Lewanski

[arXiv] [Duke Math. J.]

The authors show how Masur–Veech volumes of the principal strata of quadratic differentials can be computed as intersection numbers arising from the Segre class of the quadratic Hodge bundle, which can be further simplified to certain linear Hodge integrals. In the appendix, we prove that the intersection of this class with ψ-classes can be computed by the Eynard–Orantin topological recursion. 

1. Topological recursion for Masur–Veech volumes, with J.E. Andersen, G. Borot, S. Charbonnier, V. Delecroix, D. Lewanski, C. Wheeler

[arXiv] [J. London Math. Soc.]

We prove that Masur–Veech volumes of the principal stratum of the moduli space of quadratic differentials can be calculated by the topological recursion as an application of geometric recursion.