About Me

Alena Benoit

Hello, all 

My name is Alena and I'm a current student at Everett Community College. I'll be graduating Summer 2024. I have enjoyed every moment I have had at EVCC. I have two nephews that I adopted Jeremie & Caleb. I enjoy many things but one thing I enjoy the most is painting large-scale abstract paintings. I also enjoy the city of Seattle and exploring around town. 

When I was younger I grew up in a low-income family where many of the resources were limited or not even offered. I found myself at 18 not knowing how to do basic tasks as a young adult. Some of those included not knowing how to bank, create a resume, or how to apply for a job. These things are essential in our world. I started to slowly figure things out on my own. Then I found myself at EVCC in class to complete my high school education. 

I started to learn about education, diversity, and equity. I found myself learning from others and also passing on my newfound knowledge to others. I started to work at the BRIDGES Center tutoring non-native English students. I started to see that many of those students were struggling with life skills like I was when I was 18. 

This is where my journey begins with DESJ Civic Engagement (The Capstone Project)

ME, Jeremie, and Caleb at a local Mariners game.