"Central limit theorem for superdiffusive reflected Brownian motion" (with I. Sauzedde and A. Wade) Youtube, arXiv:2412.14267
"Asymptotically optimal Wasserstein couplings for the small-time stable domain of attraction" (with J. González Cázares and David Kramer-Bang) Youtube, arXiv:2411.03609
"Limit Theorems for Stochastic Gradient Descent with Infinite Variance" (with Jose Blanchet and Wenhao Yang) arXiv:2410.16340
"Non-asymptotic bounds for forward processes in denoising diffusions: Ornstein-Uhlenbeck is hard to beat" (with M. Brešar) YouTube: Part 1: tempared Langevin diffusions & Part 2: general results, arXiv:2408.13799
"Superdiffusive limits for Bessel-driven stochastic kinetics" (with M. Brešar, C. da Costa and A.R. Wade) YouTube, arXiv:2401.11863
"Modeling of Measurement Error in Financial Returns Data" (with A. Jasra and M. Maama) arXiv:2408.07405
"Stationary entrance chains and applications to random walks" (with V. Vysotskiy) arXiv:2403.00619
"Fast exact simulation of the first-passage event of a subordinator" (with J. González Cázares and F. Lin) YouTube, arXiv:2306.06927, GitHub Python and Julia implementation
"Subexponential lower bounds for f-ergodic Markov processes" (with M. Brešar), to appear in Probability Theory and Related Fields (2024), 58 pp., YouTube: Results & Proofs, arXiv:2403.14826
"Fast exact simulation of the first passage of a tempered stable subordinator across a non-increasing function" (with J. González Cázares and F. Lin), to appear in Stochastic Systems (2024), 51 pp., YouTube, arXiv:2303.11964 , GitHub with implementation in Python and Julia
"Brownian motion with asymptotically normal reflection in unbounded domains: from transience to stability" (with M. Brešar and A.R. Wade), to appear in Annals of Probability (2024), 55 pp., YouTube, arXiv:2303.06916
"A weak MLMC scheme for Lévy-copula-driven SDEs with applications to the pricing of credit, equity and interest rate derivatives" (with R. Palfray) Applied Mathematical Finance (2024), 1–51pp. arXiv:2211.02528
"When is the convex hull of a Lévy path smooth?" (with D. Bang and J. I. Gonzáles Cázares) Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré - Probabilités et Statistiques Vol. 60, No 4 (2024) 2352–2381, YouTube, arXiv:2205.14416.
"Optimal Markovian coupling for finite activity Lévy processes" (with W.S. Kendall and M. B. Majka), Bernoulli, 30(4): 2821-2845 (2024) arXiv:2210.11251
"How smooth can the convex hull of a Lévy path be?" (with D. Bang and J. I. Gonzáles Cázares), Electronic Journal of Probability, 29: 1-36 (2024), YouTube, arXiv:2206.09928.
"Hölder continuity of the convex minorant of a Lévy process" (with D. Bang and J. I. Gonzáles Cázares), Electronic Communications in Probability, 28: 1-12 (2023), YouTube, arXiv:2206.12433.
"Reflecting Brownian motion in generalized parabolic domains: explosion and superdiffusivity" (with M. V. Menshikov and A. R. Wade), Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré - Probabilités et Statistiques Vol. 59, No. 4 (2023) 1813–1843 YouTube, arXiv:2203.00966.
"Joint density of a stable process and its supremum: regularity and upper bounds" (with J. I. Gonzáles Cázares and A. Kohatsu Higa), Bernoulli 29(4), 3443-3469 (2023) YouTube, arXiv:2008.01894.
"Monte Carlo algorithm for the extrema of tempered stable processes" (with J. I. Gonzáles Cázares), Advances in Applied Probability 55 (4) , 1362-1389 (2023) YouTube, arXiv:2103.15310.
"Simulation of the drawdown and its duration in Lévy models via stick-breaking Gaussian approximation" (with J. I. Gonzáles Cázares), Finance & Stochastics, Vol. 26 (2022), 671–732 YouTube, arXiv:2011.06618.
"Asymptotic shape of the concave majorant of a Lévy process" (with D. Bang and J. I. Gonzáles Cázares), Annales Henri Lebesgue, Vol. 5 (2022), 779-811 YouTube, arXiv:2106.09066.
"Limit theorems for local times and applications to SDEs with jumps" (with G. Uribe Bravo), Stochastic Processes and their Applications, Vol. 153, 39-55 (2022), ResearchGate (results in this paper are mostly contained in the manuscript arXiv:1910.09501).
"Convex minorants and the fluctuation theory of Lévy processes" (with J. I. Gonzáles Cázares), ALEA, Lat. Am. J. Probab. Math. Stat., 19, 983–999 (2022) YouTube, arXiv:2105.15060.
“Geometrically Convergent Simulation of the Extrema of Lévy Processes” (with J. I. Gonzáles Cázares and G. Uribe Bravo), Mathematics of Operations Research 47(2):1141-1168, (2021) YouTube, arXiv:1810.11039.
"A Gaussian approximation theorem for Lévy processes" (with D. Bang and J. I. Gonzáles Cázares), Statistics & Probability Letters, Vol. 178 (Nov 2021), arXiv:2104.13855.
"Monte Carlo estimation of the solution of fractional partial differential equations" (with V. Kolokoltsov and F. Lin), Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis, Vol. 24, no. 1, 278-306 (2021), arXiv:2012.13904.
"Lévy processes on smooth manifolds with a connection" (with V. Mramor), Electronic Journal of Probability, 26: 1-39 (2021), YouTube, arXiv:2012.11633.
"An algorithm for simulating Brownian increments on a sphere" (with V. Mramor and G. Uribe Bravo), Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical Vol. 54, no. 11 (2021) arXiv:2012.12018.
“Stability of overshoots of zero mean random walks” (with V. Vysotskiy), Electronic Journal of Probability, 25: 1-22 (2020), arXiv:1812.05909.
"ε -strong simulation of the convex minorants of stable processes and meanders" (with J. I. Gonzáles Cázares and G. Uribe Bravo), Electronic Journal of Probability, 25: 1-33 (2020) arXiv:1910.13273.
“A note on the exact simulation of spherical Brownian motion” (with V. Mramor and G. Uribe Bravo), Statistics & Probability Letters, Vol 165, (October 2020) arXiv:1811.12107.
“Non-asymptotic bounds for sampling algorithms without log-concavity” (with M. Majka and L. Szpruch), Annals of Applied Probability, Vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 1534-1581 (2020), arXiv:1808.07105.
“Exact Simulation of the Extrema of Stable Processes” (with J. I. Gonzáles Cázares and G. Uribe Bravo), Advances in Applied Probability, 51(4), 967-993 (2019) arXiv:1806.01870. GitHub with implementation in Python (by Vinayak Niraj) and Julia (by J. I. Gonzáles Cázares)
“Asymptotic variance for random walk Metropolis chains in high dimensions: logarithmic growth via the Poisson equation” (with J. Vogrinc), Advances in Applied Probability, 51(4), 994-1026 (2019) arXiv:1707.08510.
“Invariance principle for non-homogeneous random walks” (with N. Georgiou and A. Wade), Electronic Journal of Probability, 24:1-38 (2019) arxiv:1801.07882
“Projections of spherical Brownian motion” (with V. Mramor and G. Uribe Bravo), Electronic Communications in Probability Vol. 23 (2018), 12 pp, arXiv:1806.00266.
“On the Poisson equation for Metropolis-Hastings chains” (with J. Vogrinc), Bernoulli Vol. 24, no. 3 (2018), 2401–2428
“A radial invariance principle for non-homogeneous random walks” (with N. Georgiou and A. Wade), Electronic Communications in Probability Vol. 23 (2018), 11 pp.
“Procuring load curtailment from local customers under uncertainty” (with J. Moriarty and J. Vogrinc), Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences (August 2017), doi: 10.1098/rsta.2016.0311
"Anomalous recurrence properties of many-dimensional zero-drift random walks" (with N. Georgiou, M. Menshikov and A. Wade), Advances in Applied Probability Vol. 48, no. A (2016), 99--118
“Joint asymptotic distribution of certain path functionals of the reflected process” (with M. Pistorius), Electronic Communications in Probability Vol. 21 (2016), 1–18
“Brownian manifolds, negative type and geo-temporal covariances” (with N. H. Bingham and T. Symons), Communications on Stochastic Analysis Vol. 10, no. 4 (2016)
“A new look at short-term implied volatility in asset price models with jumps” (with P. Tankov), Mathematical Finance Vol. 26, Issue 1 (January 2016), 149–183
“An integral equation for Root’s barrier and the generation of Brownian increments” (with P. Gassiat and H. Oberhauser), Annals of Applied Probability Vol. 25, no. 4 (2015), 2039–2065
“Coupling and tracking of regime-switching martingales ” (with S. D. Jacka), Electronic Journal of Probability Vol. 20 (2015), 39pp.
“Randomisation and recursion methods for mixed-exponential Lévy models, with financial applications” (with M. Pistorius and J. Stolte), Journal of Applied Probability Vol. 52, Issue 4 (December 2015), 1076–1096
“Markov chain approximations to scale functions of Lévy processes” (with M. Vidmar and S. D. Jacka), Stochastic Processes and their Applications Vol. 125, Issue 10 (October 2015), 3932– 3957
“On the loss of the semimartingale property at the hitting time of a level” (with M. Urusov), Journal of Theoretical Probability Vol. 28, Issue 3 (September 2015), 892–922
“Buffer-overflows: joint limit laws of undershoots and overshoots of reflected processes” (with M. Pistorius), Stochastic Processes and their Applications Vol. 125, Issue 8 (August 2015), 2937– 2954
“Asymptotic independence of three statistics of maximal segmental scores” (with M. Pistorius), Statistics & Probability Letters Vol. 99 (April 2015), 185–191
“Arbitrage-free prediction of the implied volatility smile” (with P. Dellaportas), Risk Magazine, Technical Paper section, 30 April (2014)
“Markov Chain approximations for transition densities of Lévy processes” (with M. Vidmar and S. D. Jacka), Electronic Journal of Probability Vol. 19 (2014), 1–37
“Mirror and synchronous couplings of geometric Brownian motions” (with S. D. Jacka and D. Siraj), Stochastic Processes and their Applications Vol. 124, no. 2 (2014), 1055–1069
“Large deviations for the extended Heston model: the large-time case” (with A. Jacquier), Asia-Pacific Financial Markets Vol. 21 (2014), 263–280
“Empirical asset pricing with non-linear risk premia” (with P. Schneider), Journal of Financial Econometrics Vol. 12, no. 3 (2014), 479–506
“A note on delta hedging in markets with jumps” (with M. Urusov), IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics Vol. 79, no. 2 (2014), 300–312
“Continuously monitored barrier options under Markov processes” (with M. Pistorius), Mathematical Finance Vol. 23, no. 1 (2013), 1–38
“Large deviations and stochastic volatility with jumps: asymptotic implied volatility for affine models” (with A. Jacquier and M. Keller-Ressel), Stochastics Vol. 85, no. 2 (2013), 321–345
“Convergence of integral functionals of one-dimensional diffusions” (with M. Urusov), Electronic Communications in Probability Vol. 17 (2012), 1–13
“On the limit distributions of continuous-state branching processes with immigration” (with M. Keller-Ressel), Stochastic Processes and their Applications Vol. 122, no. 6 (2012), 2329–2345
“On the drawdown of completely asymmetric Lévy processes” (with M. Pistorius), Stochastic Processes and their Applications Vol. 122, no. 11 (2012), 3812–3836
“Martingale property of generalized stochastic exponentials” (with N. Novak and M. Urusov), Séminaire de Probabilités, XLIV, Lecture Notes in Mathematics Vol. 2046 (2012), 41–59
“Deterministic criteria for the absence of arbitrage in one-dimensional diffusion models” (with M. Urusov), Finance & Stochastics Vol. 16, no. 2 (2012), 225–247
“On the martingale property of certain local martingales” (with M. Urusov), Probability Theory and Related Fields Vol. 152, no. 1 (2012), 1–30
“A note on essential smoothness in the Heston model” (with M. Forde and A. Jacquier), Finance & Stochastics Vol. 15 (2011), 781–784
“A note on a paper by Wong and Heyde” (with M. Urusov), Journal of Applied Probability Vol. 48, no. 3 (2011), 811–819
“Volatility derivatives in market models with jumps” (with H. Lo), International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance Vol. 14, no. 07 (2011), 1159–1193
“Asymptotic formulae for implied volatility in the Heston model” (with M. Forde and A. Jacquier), Proceedings of the Royal Society A Vol. 466, no. 2124 (2010), 3593–3620
“Approximating Lévy processes with a view to option pricing” (with J. Crosby and N. Le Saux), International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance Vol. 13, Issue 1 (2010), 63–91
“Globally optimal parameter estimates for non-linear diffusions” (with P. Schneider), Annals of Statistics Vol. 38, no. 1 (2010), 215–245
“Local time and the pricing of time-dependent barrier options”, Finance & Stochastics Vol. 14, Issue 1 (2009), 13–48
“Spectral properties of trinomial trees”, Proceedings of the Royal Society A Vol. 463, no. 2083 (2007), 1681–1696
“Spectral methods for volatility derivatives” (with C. Albanese, H. Lo), Quantitative Finance Vol. 9, Issue 6 (2009), 663–692 arXiv:0905.2091
“A stochastic volatility model for risk-reversals in foreign exchange” (with C. Albanese), International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance Vol. 12, Issue 6 (2009), 877–899
“Simplicial structures of knot-complements”, Mathematical Research Letters Vol. 12, no. 5-6 (2005), 843–856
“Triangulations of fibre-free Haken 3-manifolds”, Pacific Journal of Mathematics Vol. 219, no. 1 (2005), 139–186
“Triangulations of Seifert fibred manifolds”, Mathematische Annalen Vol. 330, no. 2 (2004), 235–273
“Simplifying triangulations of the 3-sphere”, Pacific Journal of Mathematics Vol. 208, no. 2 (2003), 291–324
Edited volumes
Probability, Analysis and Number Theory: Papers in Honour of N. H. Bingham, Advances in Applied Probability Special Volume 48A, 2016 (co-edited with C.M. Goldie)
Spectral and Cubature Methods in Finance and Econometrics – special issue of International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance, 2011 (co-edited with S. Levendorskii and M. Pistorius)
Book chapters
"Reflecting random walks in curvilinear wedges" (with M. V. Menshikov and A. R. Wade), In and Out of Equilibrium 3: Celebrating Vladas Sidoravicius, in Series Progress in Probability, Springer International Publishing (2021), Editors Maria Eulália Vares, Roberto Fernández, Luiz Renato Fontes, Charles M. Newman, 637-675 arXiv:2001.06685
“Exotic derivatives in stochastic volatility models with jumps” (with M. Pistorius), Advanced Mathematical Methods for Finance, Springer, 2011, Editors G. Di Nunno, B. Oksendal, 455–508, arXiv:0912.2595
Conference proceedings
“On additive time-changes of Feller processes” (with M. Pistorius), Progress in Analysis and its Applications, Proceedings of the 7th International Isaac Congress, Imperial College London UK, 13 - 18 July 2009, 431–437, arXiv:0909.4881
"Martingale approach to control for general jump processes" (with Ma. E. Hernández-Hernández and S. Jacka) arXiv:1912.13205.
"Invariance principles for local times in regenerative settings" (with G. Uribe Bravo) arXiv:1910.09501.
“Coupling and a generalised Policy Iteration Algorithm in continuous time” (with S. D. Jacka and D. Siraj) arXiv:1707.07834.
“Stationarity of entrance Markov chains and level-crossings of random walks” (with V. Vysotskiy) arXiv:1808.05010.