Research Fellows & Ph.D. students

Current Research Fellows

University of Warwick
Started Oct 2023
Topic: Stability of Markov processes, heavy-tailed stationary distributions s
Funding: EPSRC grant EP/V009478/1
email: Miha.Bresar@warwick dot ac dot uk

University of Warwick
Started Jul 2023
Topic:  Time-cahnge equation, branching processes, stability and heavy-tailed target distribution
Funding: EPSRC grant EP/V009478/1

Starting October 2022
Topic:  Reflected processes and superdiffusivity Funding: EPSRC grant  EP/W006227/1

Current PhD students

University of Warwick
Started Jan 2018
Topic: MLMC for Lévy-driven SDEs.
Part-time (Senior manager at Lloyd’s Banking Group Risk Management).
Funding: self- funded

University of Warwick
Started Oct 2021
Topic: Invariance principles for local times of branching processes with immigration.
Funding: Warwick Statistics departmental PhD award (full PhD scholarship)

University of Warwick
Started Oct 2023
Topic: Reflected Brownain motion in unbounded domains
Funding: Warwick Statistics departmental PhD award (full PhD scholarship)

Former postdoctoral researchers

Graduated PhD students