Goals & Outcomes

Smart Goals

In the Classroom

My smart goal is to stay on top of my eportfolio assignments and deadlines. I will know that I have reached my goal if I have turned in my eportfolio each month with no missing work. In order to reach it, I will dedicate at least 2 hours a day to work on my eportfolio and set reminders to stay on task. I plan to accomplish my goal by the end of the Spring Semester and receive an A in the class.

For the Semester

My smart goal is to go to all of my classes on time and turn in all of my required work. I will know that I have reached my goal if I am able to plan accordingly and ensure I have enough time to finish everything. In order to reach it, I will make sure I leave my home or work about 10 minutes earlier to ensure I am not late and set a phone reminder of all of my tasks and assignments. I plan to accomplish my goal by the end of this Spring Semester and receive straight As in all four classes.