The Solar System

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The School Run-The Solar System&Fun Facts

You may think that the Earth is a pretty big place, but the Earth isn’t even the biggest planet in the Solar System. The biggest planet is Jupiter – you could fit 1,321 Earths inside Jupiter. The Sun is even bigger than Jupiter – it would take 1.3 million planets the size of Earth to fill the same volume as the Sun...

Britannica Kids-Planets

Planets are large natural objects that orbit, or travel around, stars. Eight planets orbit the star called the Sun. In order from the closest to the Sun, these planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. The solar system is the collection of the Sun and the objects that orbit around it, including the eight planets...

Scientific American-The Origin of the Solar System

THE question of the origin of the solar system is one that has been a source of speculation for over a hundred years; but, in spite of the attention that has been devoted to it, no really satisfactory answer has yet been obtained. There are at present three principal hypotheses that appear to contain a large element of truth, as measured by the closeness of the approximation of their consequences to the facts of the present state of the system, but none of them is wholly satisfactory...

Abyss Oregon-Origin of the Solar System

The basic premise in the understanding of our origins, and the properties of all the planets we have studied this term, is that natural forces created and shaped the Solar System. And that there is a continuity to that process, i.e. it is not a sequence of random events.


How the Universe Works // Season 1 Big Bang & Season 2 Birth of the Earth

Ted Talk-Where Did the Moon Come From?

Explaining the solar system as a whole. (i.e. the order and their attributes)

Fun Planet Song: explaining the order of the planets