Sedimentary Rocks: LP


GEO-4 Minerals

Description/Topics Covered:

  1. The Rock Cycle

  2. Igneous Rocks & Rock Types

    1. Intrusive

    2. Extrusive

  3. Lava & Magma

  4. Metamorphic Rocks & Rock Types

    1. Foliated

    2. Non-Foliated

  5. Sedimentary Rocks & Rock Types

    1. Crystalline

    2. Bioclastic

    3. Clastic

  6. Candy Experiment Explained

    1. Igneous

    2. Metamorphic

    3. Sedimentary


  1. Rock Buffet

You Will Need


  1. Ice cream

  2. Chocolate Bar

  3. Freezer

  4. Bunsen Burner or Stove Top

  5. Pot or Pan

  6. Bowls

  7. Spoons


  1. Chocolate Bars

  2. Marshmallows

  3. Gram Crackers

  4. Gummy Worms & Bears

  5. Plate

  6. Microwave

  7. Pot (or something heavy)


  1. Rice Crispys

  2. Marshmallow FLuff

  3. M&Ms

  4. Bowls

  5. Spoons



STEP 1: Take your solid chocolate bar and melt it on the stove or bunsen burner.

STEP 2: Once the chochlate is all melted, pore it gently onto the cold ice cream.

STEP 3: Place the ice cream into the freezer and wait a few minutes.


STEP 1: Place the gram crackers onto the plate.

STEP 2: Stack the chocolate bar, marshmallows, gummy worms, and gummy bears onto the gram crackers.

STEP 3: Place another plate over the stack of goodies.

STEP 4: Place the plate of stuff into the microwave for a few minutes.

STEP 5: Take the plate out and set it on the counter, and get your pot (or something heavy) and add pressure.


STEP 1: Get a bowl and place the rice crispys inside

STEP 2: Pour in the M&Ms

STEP 3: Add some marshmallow fluff and mix