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Mindat-Mineral Search

Virtual Museum-Minerals&Molecules

NMA-40 Most Common Minerals & Their Use

USGS-Top 5 Minerals by Product Value

Every year, the USGS National Minerals Information Center releases its Mineral Commodity Summaries, a resource roundup of 90 different mineral commodities that includes a snapshot of the global industry, worldwide reserves and production, and information on how these minerals are used.

Also included is an analysis of the domestic mineral industry of the United States, along with summaries of individual mineral commodity industries. So today, we thought we would share the top five U.S. mineral commodities by value from 2016.

Informational Videos

Minerals and their physcial properties/classification

Rocks: Formation, Classification and Usage: Igneous, Sedimetary & Metamorphic

What are rocks? What are the three rock Types?

No animation, everything rock related in the real world

Activities & Worksheets