Atmospheric Circulation

Websites & Articles

Academic Kids - Atmospheric Circulation

The large-scale structure of the atmospheric circulation varies from year to year but the basic structure remains fairly constant. However, individual weather systems - midlatitude depressions, or tropical convective cells - occur "randomly", and it is accepted that weather cannot be predicted beyond a fairly short limit: perhaps a month in theory, or (currently) about ten days in practice...

UGC Berkeley - Atmospheric Circulation (Picture Included)

From the gentlest of breezes to the raging winds of a category five hurricane, the atmosphere is constantly in motion. The energy for all that movement comes from sunlight that is absorbed and re-radiated by the surface of the Earth and the rotation of the Earth. Atmospheric circulation, along with ocean circulation, distributes heat across the entire surface of the Earth, bringing us our daily weather and shaping regional climates...

Britannica - Atmospheric Circulation

atmospheric circulation, any atmospheric flow used to refer to the general circulation of the Earth and regional movements of air around areas of high and low pressure. On average, this circulation corresponds to large-scale wind systems arranged in several east–west belts that encircle the Earth...

Teach Earth Science - Atmosphere Circulation/Climate

This unit examines wind and the factors that affect wind including the Coriolis effect. Topics include small scale winds such as sea breezes and large scale global winds such as the trade winds and westerlies. A simple model for global atmospheric circulation and its influence on climate are introduced...
