Mid-Term Reflection

Strengths & Weaknesses

An area in classroom that I think that I have exhibited my personal strength is in our labs/homework assignments. I think that I have been able to work really well with my peers around me, as well as by myself when neccessary. I also think I have done a really good job communicating effectively with my teaching group to make sure we are all on the same page when presenting. I am not sure if the quizzes fall under one of my strenghts or weaknesses. I definitely think that I can improve when taking my quiz alone and with my group. Some days I feels as though I study or remember all of the material that is not being tested, and I feel like a useless member when we split into our group discussion. Other days, I feel like I am this genius because I understand and know most of the material/questions. Another strenght of mine is I think I convey my answer choice well with my group members (when I have a valid reason for choosing an answer).


I feel as though I have been mostly truthful with the goals that I have set for myself this year. I do still keep up with my eportfolio everyday, just not for 2 hours. I found that 30 mintutes or so a day can go a long way to maintain a current/working eportfolio. I do still think that an A is in my furture for this class. I have been turning in my assignments on time and I have been watching the lecture videos and reading the book to stay on top of my quizzes. I think I can work on my note taking skills during the lecture videos and when reading the textbook. I think I need to pay more attention to the finer details rather than only writing/remembering the big picture. I have presented 2 times in class, one 15 and 30 minute presentation with my group. I have been pretty focused in what is happening in class. I watch/read the reminders sent out after class and I make sure to check canvas everyday to ensure I have not missed any changes in the schedule. Between, updating my eportfolio, watching and reading new material for the quizzes twice a week and working on assigned items/labs, I roughly spend about 7-8 hours a week on this class. When thinking about my progress, I think I am improving. In regards to having enough progress, I do not know. I always know I can improve and do better so I would not know I have enough progress until the end of the semester. Looking at my work in this class, I think the grade I would give myself would be a low A. I think if we account for all of the quizzes, homework assignments, labs, presentations, and attendance my grade would somewhere in the 94% range. Something that I plan on changing for the rest of the semester is my note taking skills, I think by doing so it will help me understand the material better and help me more with the quizzes.


After teaching for 15 and 30 minutes infront of the class, I think I have definetly become more comfortable with teaching earth science material. I think one of my biggest fears when teaching, is saying false or incorrect information. I am currently learning the material and it is quite challenging to also teach it when I myself am still trying to figure it out. I am very proud of my eportfolio. I think I have changed it over a dozen times to get it just right. I have gotten ideas from my classmates and from past classes. Of course I am still open to new suggestions as to further build and perfect my eportfolio.