Initial Reflection

Earth Science & Teaching

Some of my strenghts as a student and as a teacher is my ability to adapt to new situations. I am pretty quick on my feet and am able to reassess my situation in order to complete the work at hand. Another strength I posssess is my ability to use my resources. Not all college professors teach you how to teach in a classroom, but I have found other resource to help me in my journey to become a successful teacher. Some of my weaknesses as a student and as a teacher is my fear to try new things. I am a little afraid of failure so it is hard for me to switch up my preset methods. It is definitely something I need to work on, because as a teacher it will be a lot of trial and error. I feel the most confident about oceanographic data when teaching Earth Science. I took an oceanography class a few semesters back so I hope the knowledge I have from that class with help me when teaching Earth Science. I feel the most nervous about confusing topics or ideas when teaching Earth Science. I feel as though I might jumble up topics together and not explain myself to my full extent.

Personal Plans

My smart goal is to stay on top of my eportfolio assignments and deadlines. I will know that I have reached my goal if I have turned in my eportfolio each month with no missing work. In order to reach it, I will dedicate at least 2 hours a day to work on my eportfolio and set reminders to stay on task. I plan to accomplish my goal by the end of end of the Spring Semester and receive an A in the class. If this were a graded class, my realistic goal be to receive an A. I have been a full time student and worker since 2018. I have been through trial and error with the craziness of life and I believe I have found a balance of everything. Of course I am not able to predict the future, but I will do whatever it takes to receive an A this semester. Some specific steps/plans that I will be taking to achieve this goal is to work on my eportfolio for a least 2 hours a day, read and take notes on all lecture videos and textbook slides, and keep a close eye on canvas updates and announcements. Some ways I can think of to assess my growth in this class is to read and take notes more. I think one of the biggest things that I found hard in my other classes was to understand hard concepts and teachings. I found that when I take notes while I read, it was much easier for me to retain the information and remember for a longer period of time.


I am exited and a little hesitant going into this semester, in regards idea to ungrading. I am looking forward to having the stress of grades off of my shoulders. I feel like I am always stressed about the grade I recieved on a homework assignment or quiz; to make sure I still qualify for an A. So I assume it will be nice to not have to worry so much on the grade but rather put more focus and effort into learning and understanding the material. I am nervous about the expectations of the class. I feel as though the class is still demanding (like a graded class), but I do not have a grade to my name. This makes me feel a little uneasy about the outcome of the end of the year. I understand that throughout the year we will be discussing my progress, but I feel as though it won't be enough for me to feel confident in my grade at the end of the year. Overall I am really excited to try something new. Although I am pretty nervous with the whole ungrading system, I am ready to learn new/different ways of teaching.