Final Reflection

Class/Teacher Interaction

If I am not mistaken, I have only missed one class "period" due to work, other than that, I have always attended class. From the beginning of class to now, I have always been present and actively participating in group quizzes, activities, labs, and lectures. I try to limit my time on my phone when we have presenters and when we have lectures. Anytime I had a phone call or urgent text message, I made sure to go outside to deal with the issue. On average, I have spent 7-9 hours studying/working on things for this class outside of the classroom. My study time mainly depends on if I get behind, caught up, or if another class needs more of my attention. During the semester, I think I have only interact with you on a individual level twice. Once being when I requested an additional copy of one of our lab reports, and the second time being when I was absent and asked for make up work/received a report on what we did in class. Other than those two times, I have only asked questions and got clarification on a topic in class. I think by asking questions really helped a lot when trying to grasp a certain concept. I felt like sometimes I got lost in the information and if I did not ask questions, I would have never understood a certain lesson or topic.

Practice Work

I have mostly all of my assignments listed as "complete". As of today, there is only one "incomplete" assignment, but I have already turned the assignment in to be re-graded. I have attempted all practice work assignments, there has been nothing that I have not attempted. I have submitted all of my assignments on time; within the week/sooner than that. I think the practice work had more of an impact on my learning. Sometimes after a lecture or quiz, I still would not fully understand the topic, but once we were released to work on a lab or worksheet, the topic just made more sense. I definitely enjoyed the hands on aspect of certain activities (like rocks and minerals).


Based on the schedule, I created and submit my e-portfolio URL to you back on Feb 23, 2022 (the day it was due). We have approximately 28 objectives and I have received feedback on 24 of them. In the last three weeks of school, I have completed Atmospheric Circulation, Ocean Circulation, Climate Change, and my Final Reflection. I think my e-portfolio has definitely improved throughout the semester. I think my "final product" turned out just the way I intended, I think by continuously working on my e-portfolio throughout the semester has definitely improved my knowledgeable on most topics. It gave me an opportunity to basically teach myself/study more on topics that were giving me trouble.

Overall Class

Honestly, I think my e-portfolio is something that I am really proud of. I have spent a lot of time this semester trying to perfect it and make it show what I have learned. It was honestly soul crushing to hear a few weeks ago that I was doing my portfolio wrong. I just feel like if I understood the assignment better and asked more questions, my e-portfolio would have been the best. I also think I did a really good job on my group presentations, I felt like I was prepared, confident and try to convey all of my knowledge on the subject as best as I could. Something that I wish that I could have changed or have done differently was maybe asking you for more help during our labs. I felt as times when I would get stuck, I would ask another classmate for help, and their answer would typically be "I don't know, I skipped it" or "I just looked it up". Now, after looking the answer up, yes it gave me the answer but it did not help me to understand the concept fully. When looking over the entire semester, the final grade that I would give myself based on the current knowledge of the class objectives would be an A (93.5%). I think the grade that I have given myself will match the grade you give me (hopefully). I think that I have worked hard this semester, I have kept up with all of my assignments, worked diligently when we had time to work on homework or lab reports. I have been actively participating during lectures and discussions and I believe I have worked hard for an A this semester.