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Another important aspect in the phonographic sector of the period was technological, with a modernization of recording studios in Brazil that approached international technical standards,[387] and the consolidation of foreign record labels in the country, such as EMI and the WEA.[393] This Brazilian entry in the scope of the global cultural industry also profoundly affected the samba universe,[394] which became one of the mass phenomena of the national music market of that decade represented by the appearance, on the list of best selling records of the period, of studio albums by artists such as Martinho da Vila, Originals of Samba, Agep, Beth Carvalho, Clara Nunes, Alcione, Jair Rodrigues and Benito de Paula, among others, and of sambas-enredo of Rio samba schools.[395]

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The 1970s were also a time of major changes in Rio de Janeiro samba schools, and the music industry began to invest in the annual production of LPs of the sambas de enredo presented at the carnival parades.[376] In the early years, it was common to release up to two albums, the first containing the sambas-enredo of the parades and the second with sambas depicting the history of each samba school.[376] Beginning in 1974, the annual release began to focus on a single LP for each first and second division of Rio carnival parades[419]

In the institutional field, the Brazilian National Institute of Historic and Artistic Heritage declared in 2007 the modern Carioca samba and its matrixes samba de terreiro, partido-alto and samba-enredo as Intangible Cultural Heritage in Brazil.[59][61][62]

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