The Italian chapter of the International Society of Public Law aims at representing a forum for inter- and cross-disciplinary debate concerning public law developments, and a bridge connecting Italian and international scholars in the field.

In so doing, the Italian chapter aims at offering a space for Italian legal scholarship to deepen its involvement in the public law debates taking place on a global scale and encourages dialogue with scholars from different legal traditions. It therefore welcomes young scholars and practitioners from law and other social sciences to take part in what we hope will be a vibrant exchange.

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So I've been learning Italian for about a year now, but over the summer I'm not going to be taking any further classes. I don't want to loose what I've learned, and I'm at a 3rd graders level. I was wondering if any of you knew any easy chapter books that I could attempt to read over the summer. The Italian version of the magic tree house. Thanks!

This meeting represented a unique opportunity to give new energy to the Italian chapter activities, with many new Italian researchers becoming ISoP members. In 2023 Dr. Marco Tuccori was confirmed as chapter coordinator, and Prof. Emanuel Raschi and Dr Salvatore Crisafulli were nominated secretary and treasurer, respectively.

The Open Worldwide Application Security Project (OWASP) is a nonprofit foundation that works to improve the security of software. All of our projects, tools, documents, forums, and chapters are free and open to anyone interested in improving application security.

Chapters are led by local leaders in accordance with the Chapter Leader Handbook. Financial contributions should only be made online using the authorized online donation button. To be a SPEAKER at ANY OWASP Chapter in the world simply review the speaker agreement and then contact the local chapter leader with details of what OWASP Project, independent research, or related software security topic you would like to present.

Thanks to Raoul Chiesa (Director of Communication OWASP-Italy), we willhave a great speech at the IDC European IT BankingForum 2005.Agenda: - New standards for the ICT security auditing in the italianbanking scenario: OSSTMM and OWASP. Raoul Chiesa, Director ofCommunications, ISECOM/OWASP-Italy and Matteo Meucci, OWASP-Italy Chair

After the speeches that OWASP-Italy has done at SMAUE-Academy 2006, ISACARoma has interviewed some of the people of the Italian chapter. Followthe links for the full interviews (in italian):Matteo MeucciAlberto Revelli ][Antonio ParataPaolo PeregoStefano Di Paola & GiorgioFedon

Banca Finanza, the italian magazine about finance and banking, hasinterviewed Raoul Chiesa talking about the new risks for the on-linebanking security. Raoul speaks about OWASP and web application securityMedia:042006BF.pdf

We have written an article describing the OWASP projects, WebApplication Security and the next challenges. ICT Security.(theitalian magazine about Information Security) has published the articleon the number 33 - April 2005.

The YWP Italy Chapter (YWPIT), open to all water professionals below 35-year-old, will be a unique opportunity to bring young water enthusiasts from different fields together within IWA. Matia Mainardis, Assistant Professor at Universit degli Studi di Udine (Italy) and Chair of the YWPIT, presents some key points about the chapter.

MM: YWPIT chapter will lead to the professional development of YWPs by establishing robust connections between young and senior water professionals, belonging both to the academic and the industrial sectors and between YWPIT members. The possibility for emerging water leaders to gain visibility and participate in decision-making will be a crucial point, significantly empowering Italian YWPs and overcoming the bridge between academia and industry.

The newly founded YWPIT chapter will perfectly fit the IWA strategic plan 2019-24, aimed at wise, sustainable, and equal water management worldwide by proposing tailored activities and events. Moreover, the YWPIT chapter will deeply collaborate with the Italian Governing Member (GM), UTILITALIA, to diffuse the best practices and innovations in the water sector to all interested stakeholders by participating in joint venture events and activities with the IWA partnership. Communication on social media about all the proposed activities will be crucial for the YWPIT group, potentially reaching a vast audience, including specialised and non-specialised people.

MM: The main aims and objectives of the YWPIT chapter are to develop human capital in the Italian water sector by empowering YWPs as well as develop an interdisciplinary network with young participants from different water-related areas (e.g., hydrology, hydraulics, sewer management, drinking water, wastewater, biowaste). As an IWA Community, we plan to promote IWA initiatives and programmes, and encourage active participation among group members. We aim at fostering a culture of open, supportive, and respectful knowledge exchange and promoting engagement between young academics and water-related companies and facilitate the career development of YWPs. To widen international cooperation, we also plan to collaborate with other IWA YWP country chapters.

The Enna chapter of the Kiwanis Club, an international organization dedicated to the education and well-being of children worldwide, recognized Associate Professor Chiara Mazzucchelli, Ph.D., for her outstanding contributions to the field of Italian Studies and her career in education.

On 1 march 2022 at 16:00 there will be a virtual live event on the Overskilling issue that may affect the job search process for PhDs and researchers. The event is free and will be held in italian. The event is organized by Find Your Doctor in collaboration with the MCAA Italy Chapter and ADI and it will be in the FYD social media channels.

Machiavelli notes in this chapter on the "natural and ordinary desire to acquire" and as such, those who act on this desire can be "praised or blamed" depending on the success of their acquisitions. He then goes into detail about how the King of France failed in his conquest of Italy, even saying how he could have succeeded. Machiavelli views doing harm to enemies as a necessity, stating, "if an injury is to be done to a man, it should be so severe that the prince is not in fear of revenge".[18]

Gilbert (1938:34) notes that this chapter is quite atypical of any previous books for princes. Gilbert supposed the need to discuss conquering free republics is linked to Machiavelli's project to unite Italy, which contained some free republics. As he also notes, the chapter in any case makes it clear that holding such a state is highly difficult for a prince. Machiavelli gives three options:

Each of the following chapters presents a discussion about a particular virtue or vice that a prince might have, and is therefore structured in a way which appears like traditional advice for a prince. However, the advice is far from traditional.

Machiavelli begins this chapter by addressing how mercy can be misused which will harm the prince and his dominion. He ends by stating that a prince should not shrink from being cruel if it means that it will keep his subjects in line. After all, it will help him maintain his rule. He gives the example of Cesare Borgia, whose cruelty protected him from rebellions.[26] He does not contrast this example with the leaders of Florence, who, through too much mercy, allowed disorders to plague their city.

This chapter is possibly the most well-known of the work, and it is important because of the reasoning behind Machiavelli's famous idea that it is better to be feared than loved.[27] His justification is purely pragmatic; as he notes, "Men worry less about doing an injury to one who makes himself loved than to one who makes himself feared." Fear is used as a means to ensure obedience from his subjects, and security for the prince. Above all, Machiavelli argues, a prince should not interfere with the property of their subjects or their women, and if they should try to kill someone, they should do it with a convenient justification.

As Machiavelli notes, "He should appear to be compassionate, faithful to his word, guileless, and devout. And indeed he should be so. But his disposition should be such that, if he needs to be the opposite, he knows how." As noted in chapter 15, the prince must appear to be virtuous in order to hide his actions, and he should be able to be otherwise when the time calls for it; that includes being able to lie, though however much he lies he should always keep the appearance of being truthful.

In this chapter, Machiavelli uses "beasts" as a metaphor for unscrupulous behavior. He states that while lawful conduct is part of the nature of men, a prince should learn how to use the nature of both men and beasts wisely to ensure the stability of his regime. In this chapter however, his focus is solely on the "beastly" natures.[28] In particular, he compares the use of force to the "lion", and the use of deception to the "fox", and advises the prince to study them both. In employing this metaphor, Machiavelli apparently references De Officiis by the Roman orator and statesman Cicero, and subverts its conclusion, arguing instead that dishonorable behavior is sometimes politically necessary.[29]

This chapter displays a low opinion of flatterers; Machiavelli notes that "Men are so happily absorbed in their own affairs and indulge in such self-deception that it is difficult for them not to fall victim to this plague; and some efforts to protect oneself from flatterers involve the risk of becoming despised." Flatterers were seen as a great danger to a prince, because their flattery could cause him to avoid wise counsel in favor of rash action, but avoiding all advice, flattery or otherwise, was equally bad; a middle road had to be taken. A prudent prince should have a select group of wise counselors to advise him truthfully on matters all the time. All their opinions should be taken into account. Ultimately, the decision should be made by the prince and carried out absolutely. If a prince is given to changing his mind, his reputation will suffer. A prince must have the wisdom to recognize good advice from bad. Machiavelli gives a negative example in Emperor Maximilian I; Maximilian, who was secretive, never consulted others, but once he ordered his plans and met dissent, he immediately changed them. be457b7860

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