Level Design

Multiplayer and strategy shooter that combines crafting and building. 2 teams of 16 players must fight to take control of the territory, capturing bases and defending their position. Made with Unreal Engine 5. Steam page here:

I've participated in the creation, iteration and readability of the game's maps (especially the latest ones). I've also been the main person responsible for creating collisions for the assets, as well as the map's navigation.

My goal in this project has always been to deliver the smoothest experience possible to the player, paying lots of attention to player guidance and map readability. My tasks involved but were not limited to:

- Creation of simple and complex collisions for most meshes and revision of the game's navigation.

- Level Design and Level Art Bug Fixing.

- Level logic integration in the game (Spawners, Snap Points, Scavenge  Boxes, etc).

- Player guidance improvements and suggestions.

- Feedback and Layouts proposal.

- Iterations in the creation of the main bases of the game.

Vertical slice of a 3D platformer and puzzle game, with metroidvania components, and with an emergent narrative that the player discovers through exploration. Made with Unity. It can be downloaded for free on its itch.io website:

This was my first video game project, and maybe the most personal one. I designed the narrative, the setting, and all the levels that compound this vertical slice. My contribution to Nelumbo includes many departments, but maybe the most important ones are:

- Design, creation and iteration of all the levels that compound the game.

- Design of the main story and the dialogue system.

- Creation of collisions for all assets and revision of the game's navigation.

- Design of a visual and symbolic language to improve the player's guidance.

Unannounced Project

Unannounced Novarama project. Made with Unreal Engine 5. My main tasks were:

- Collisions and navigation.

- Level Design and Level Art Bug fixing.

- Navigation meshes creation and fixing.

