What is SEO & why important?

Simply put, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a set of search engine rules that, when followed or applied, make search engines consider and rank the desired website important to search engines. In today’s world of competition, it is almost impossible to get visitors or traffic from search engines without SEO. Generally, no website except SEO is ranked by search engines.

The full form of the English word SEO is Search Engine Optimization which is some well-regulated and planned rules/methods or methods of search engines. By following the rules, you can make your desired website appear at the beginning of the search engine results page. The main purpose of SEO is to show your website early on in SERPs.

Search engines are created primarily to provide users with accurate search information and SEO makes that information useful to search engines. Through SEO we understand what information users are looking for in search engines, what kind of problems they want to solve, what kind of words or keywords they are using, and what kind of content they want. With SEO we can easily solve all these problems for the users.

History of SEO

Today’s SEO is the result of many changes, which we basically see through Google. The first webpage was published on August 7, 1991, by Tim Barnes Lee. A few years later, the first official SEO journey started in 1998, but since 2001, the importance of SEO has been increasing.

Jerry Young and David Philo founded Yahoo Search Engine in January 1994. Along with that, they created the Yahoo directory.

Google was founded on September 4, 1998, by Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Google is currently one of the leading search engines. Google accounts for more than 90% of all searches on the Internet and has a wide range of popular products and services.

In 1998, launched sponsored links and paid searches. Where you would have to pay to stay first in organic results. Goto worked primarily with the support of the Yahoo search engine.

Since then, search engines have come to this place through various algorithm updates. Google is currently the best and most quality search engine in terms of competition.